Lower steem price downwards pressure

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

We should all support @steempeak (via Witness and DAO/SPS) to become the new main frontend.

Not only is it way better than Steemit. (minnow friendlier)
Steemit Inc. stated theyve finished UI development. (I think already before theyve fired almost all employes)

And most importantly: It would lower downward pressure on the steem price cuz Steemit Inc. is constantly selling Steem to pay Amazon Servers.
Opimizing money in and outflow of Steem is more important than an EIP. Supply and demand.


Yes. I also think that @steempeak is way better than steemit.
But I don't understand why that should lower the downward pressure on steem price.
Steemit Inc. has to sell steems because they don't have enough ad revenue at the moment.
If people don't use steemit.com, Steemit's ad revenue will go down. Then Steemit will have to sell even more steems, thus generating more downward pressure on steem price. Or, am I wrong?

I understand your argument.
But I still think if we decentralize steem more, Steemit Inc won't have to sell more, cuz it has to pay for less infrastructure cuz it's more decentralized (more decentralization -> one entity has to pay less)
Furthermore the big ninja stake wouldnt be sold at low prices..

That's a good argument. Though I think it will take some time to achieve enough decentralization so that Steemit can pay less for infrastructure.

And why?

Only reason that seems realistical: Stinc doesnt want Steem to decentralize further. There shouldnt be any other things that prevent us.
Good job if the centralized entity, which can do what it wants (even every hf they want) doesnt want any decentralization.

Leave the sinking ship

I think further decentralization of Steem will happen, but not as fast. In the meantime Steemit Inc. will need to sell some Steems.
I, personally, do not use Steemit, mostly Steempeak.

I have tried to use steempeaks, but the narrowed categories to post in means no one on there sees my posts, and i can't find my fellow skaters on it. So i use a combo of steemit, and patiko to do my posting. Really wish we could just take the best pf each app and put them together.

Posted using Partiko Android

SteemPeak and all the other interfaces like Steemit and partiko all use the same bloackchain.
I'm not sure what narrowed categories means and how we would be different than other interfaces.

It has the feed filtered by categories, which are the curation trail of certain pages. Meaning if one of those curators doesn't like your post, no one on steem peak will see it.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think i'm missing something not sure what you're talking about. We have feeds filtered by categories that don't rely on curators. You may have to screenshot what you're talking about.

Each category says a different curator history, or so this leads me to believe so.

Posted using Partiko Android

That a front page feature that shows curator feeds. We have the normal category feeds

How do you get to them? I'm guessing i'm not seeing those feeds cause i'm on the mobile version? I see it now if i go on my desktop, but that's not very convenient.

Posted using Partiko Android

Do a search for a topic.

https://steempeak.com/trending/steempeak ... change the url to be whatever topic you want

That works, but still makes it pretty un useful on my phone, especially for curating new content. It really should be like when Facebook had the option to choose croniclogical order, or newsfeed. However i'd make it curated feed with a choice of by curator, or by subject. Then a explore option which can also be filtered by subject.

Posted using Partiko Android

Log in and you'll see search ... or click on a tag in a post... I mean there's got to be like half a dozen ways to get there.

It is the main frontend for a lot of people ;) haha

But in all honesty we do need the other frontends around to help with the decentralization aspect. So we need steemit to survive.

Also if steemit doesn't get some good traffic then they won't get ad money and then they'll sell.
We'll worry about our own userbase coming soon... we haven't started our marketing push as of yet. We have a few more tricks up our sleeves before that.

appreciate your honesty! :)

How does @steempeak fund its infrastructure?

Our costs are very very low by comparison even our partnership with @peakmonsters could pay most all our bills on a normal month.

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