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RE: Nike On STEEM?

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

I thought when RT joined it would grow things - but that didn't happen..

When i realized communities were still at the mercy of external down kinds dampened down the potential of them changing things, (for me).

SMT's? Yeah, I'm kinda thinking along the same lines as yourself.

The big you tubers are getting hammered, and are moving elsewhere - bitchute being the main one, i think (for non lefty).

The thing is, these big (medium) sized channels - have active supporter paying them through patroen, subscibe star, etc.
They are being actively supported.
I see no reason why they would do it here, through crypto exchange.

If fact (just thought of it) - I would see AN ATTRACTION from the independent channels (Molyneux and Styx, and a thousand others), and their followers to bypass 'traditional' payment processors by using crypto.

MY point being , there are thousands of people actively spending money to support these people - and with the right incentives for them, could bring them this side.

BUT (and this is a big 'but', I think)....

I think the motives behind this whole 'steem experiment', are not 'it they say on the tin'...and onboarding anyone that isn't left of Stalin, would be counter productive to their aims.

See my post yesterday.
I got a 100% downvote on that one, from a serial leftist...

edit: ...and I just came across this post with alex would grow the platform 10 fold overnight with just him alone! , but the ideology...blah blah blah


Okay. I'm not familiar with any of these folks (don't watch Youtube for much more than football highlights), but if they are getting some backing via Patreon, et al, that's much closer to what's happening on STEEM than basically getting entertained for free while volunteering to be a target for YouTube ads.

Maybe there is leftist or similar ideology involved in all of this. Kind of hard to tell which way the philosophical winds are blowing at any given time. Seems like "what benefits me the most" is more the ideology, with a heaping side of intolerance for anything "I don't like, or doesn't benefit me." :)

Seems like "what benefits me the most" is more the ideology,

100% disagree with this. They are very sjw, lefty (to put it mildly), leaning.

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