in #steem6 years ago (edited)

STAGE ONE - The game begins

You prepare to leave Hero island in search for this evil boss man.

As a collective you head down to the dock and hop on the boat to begin the ocean voyage.

The gentle rocking of the boat on the ocean, makes you quickly fall asleep.

...Suddenly your awake, it's bright daylight and the ship has already docked. The crew seems to have gone to shore without you.

You decide to leave the boat and head towards the village, but along the way you spot an unusual farm animal. On closer inspection you realise it's actually an evil foe

"The Boss says he wants you I will bite you to death!"

The Baby Ace creature has an attack strength of 3. 

(You must score a hit of 3 or more to win this Stage).

Quick Summary of what you need to do to attack

From this point on you have a number of options. These are summarized below:

Your first bot command must be !life

by clicking on reply and typing !life our experimental bot will attempt to create you as a new character on the fly, it will initialize you as a new player, set your life points and start you off at Stage One. After this you can either attack or run one of the other commands listed below.

Quick Attack Guide 

If gobbo appears you get one shot to defeat him (can only use difficult attack) if you beat him you may run the command !gobbodrop, failure means loss of a life point and you may then resume your attack on the enemy... as gobbo has run away, the little Git!

Pickpocket time - You may attempt to pickpocket the enemy, you must do this before they are dead.

  • To pick the pocket of your foe, type a reply !openpockets. Then wait to see what you get, it could be a positive or negative item and it only helps/hinders you for the stage in which you got it.

Summon a permanent random item. - To begin all players are level 0 and you may only have a single level0 item for the entire campaign.Level 0 items are random when summoned, to grab your level0 item do this.

  • Transfer 0.01 Steem to the @wizardzap bot with a memo: "for ibt" Doing this will also have the bot upvote your other steemit posts while you remain a IBT player. If the amount is less then 0.01 Steem or the memo is incorrect you will need to wait for me to manually assist or try again transfering the correct Steem with the correct memo.
  • Type in a reply below !ibtluckydip - Then just wait and see what level 0 item you luck, most are +1 to hit, none are negative items.

NOTE: The attack or your command will only activate the bot if you type it on it's own in a reply. Please only use an attack for your class for this IBT - if you use an attack for another class, it may not be counted and it may not win Steem. You may need to wait a few seconds, then refresh the page to see the results. IF nothing happens, please be patient and someone will advise what to do next.

If you lost the attack

Should you lose the attack against the onscreen foe, simply keep attacking until you win. If you get lost type !life

All your unused life points per stage go towards you defeating the boss at the final stage, so try to save them.


If you run !life or !stats you can see how your character is progressing. Leveling up is automatic. If you reach level3 you can run the !special command as discussed in the item shop.

If your new and a bit lost, just watch carefully what other players do to play. Worse case type a reply and either myself or @doughtaker will help out.

Note: IBT is only for enrolled players - See enrolment post, its not too late. The bot is very experimental and may fail, if something unusual happens, please wait and advice will be provided on what to do - this is a work in progress. Please try to follow the bots comments, please don't delibrately try to break our bot :)

Have fun!

Special thanks to @spaceginger for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above, also Some images are taken from abandonware games. 100% of Steem raised from this post will go to those who win on the first attack. Do you like IBT? the current host @lordnigel is struggling with so much to do and needs help with images and page format etc, feel free to let @lordnigel know if you would like to help improve our community contest


We're starting off our mission by punching a baby?!?!

YES! Let's do this!

Hahaha oh man, killed it on first go (you must run !life first as a new player)...Unfortunately my bot error capture failed, a player having done nothing in the game yet and running the Stats command entering mid game has bugged out the bot. I have re-started it. From here on in, it should in theory recover on its own and allow other player to play without issue.

However @doughtaker you won't be able to trust the bot completely from the time aussie did this to the time I restarted.

bug noted

Let it be known throughout the land, that the cat o' ninja was the grandest jerk of them all! all good - dont forget the most assume ninja though as well (which more then makes up for it!). In Seriousness, It's good though, the point is to find bugs and squat them :)

Let it be known that NinjaCat's 1st stage result is validated as a flawless victory with 3 life points banked, and that an !ibtluckydip item is still pending for him.

INVALID PLAYER! use the !life command to begin play Nice! you needed to hit for 3 and including bonuses from items you hit for 3. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:

Who are you calling an invalid player buddy? I'll invalid you!

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 1 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 0
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 0
Your characters power level:0 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A promising IBT player
Est. tournament completed: 14%
Active enrolled players:5
Average all players - life points banked: 1.4
Your lifepoints banked: 0
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):78%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:NaN%

Ready for adventure!

Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:

You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
Holy Cow! This time it actually flew straight and you pierce the enemey for a hit of 5 points!. Nice! you needed to hit for 3 and including bonuses from items you hit for 5. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

Yes! Starting out strong :3

Stage 1 result validated. 3 life points banked, 1 flawless victory.


Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:


Nice! Positive Stage Item Obtained: A loving Grub! +2 to players hit!

TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!


Please transfer at least 0.010 Steem or equal SBD to @wizardzap with exact spelling memo: for ibt

Hmmmm.. I did


Please transfer at least 0.010 Steem or equal SBD to @wizardzap with exact spelling memo: for ibt

You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
the string breaks:oops! Gobbo happened to be walking by at the time and knows youre an easy target, so he attacks..@gobbo
You have activated gobbo, as an Archer you must use the difficult attack !manyarrows to equal or beat his attack!.. you will see his attack below shortly

INVALID ATTACK DETECTED!You may only counter attack gobbo with the !manyarrows command, please try again using this command

You load your bow with 3 arrows and shoot
Nice! At least 2 of them fly in the right direction and deal some damage, its a hit of 8 points!. Nice! with bonuses you hit for 10 and totally killed gobbo, you may run !gobbodrop should you wish a special bonus item before doing another attack. Your next attack will be against the Stage Foe again


Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:


Blimey! Negative Stage Item Obtained: Bomb! -2 to players hit!

TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!


You draw your sword and prepare to do a magical overhead swing
You mess up the booster spell and zap yourself - You loose a life
Better luck next time! you lose a life


You draw and jab with your sword:
Wow! It almost looked like you knew what you were doing lol, suprised the enemy is damaged with a hit of 5 points. Nice! you needed to hit for 3 and including bonuses from items you hit for 3. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

Stage 1 result validated. 2 life points banked.

Stage 2 is up already. I got 3 lives again, guessing they grow back?


Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:


Bamm! No use Stage Item Obtained: A useless Clock! no effect to players hit! you throw it away

TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!

OMG! What are you doing? You load your bow ready for a devistating magical shot, but must have got your spells mixed up, instead of enchanting your arrow you turn yourself into a...turd!
Better luck next time! you lose a life

What a show off you are!! Your hands move swiftly, your stance is impeccable, you are cooler than a bucket of ice on a sunny afternoon. An all powerful magic arrow of sparks hits home and your foe crumbles at the mighty 12 point hit you just dealed. Nice! you needed to hit for 3 and including bonuses from items you hit for 12.. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

Stage 1 result validated. 2 life points banked.


Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:


You hold pickpocket item 1: A useless Clock! no effect to players hit you throw it away!
TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!

You perform a quick fireball attack:
Your fireball looks cool, not like wow-holy-shit-amazing...just kind of cool!. It burns the enemy with a solid hit of 4 points. You use the diminishing flame in your hands to spark up your pipe and take a long hit whilst brushing off your shoulder. Nice! you needed to hit for 3 and including bonuses from items you hit for 4. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 2 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 0
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 0
Your characters power level:0 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A promising IBT player
Est. tournament completed: 29%
Active enrolled players:5
Average all players - life points banked: 2
Your lifepoints banked: 3
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):84%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:100%

Stage 1 result validated. 3 life points banked, 1 flawless victory.


Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:


You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 1 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 0
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 0
Your characters power level:0 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A promising IBT player
Est. tournament completed: 14%
Active enrolled players:10
Average all players - life points banked: 2.2
Your lifepoints banked: 0
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):92%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:NaN%

Bamm! Obtained item 2: Clock! +2 to players hit!

You perform a quick fireball attack
Your fireball ignites and you manage to guide it to the target. The enemy puts it out, but still takes a hit of 2 points. Meh, looks like you need to get the good old spell book from the library and work on those skills. Nice! you needed to hit for 3 and including bonuses from items you hit for 4. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 2 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 2
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 2
Your characters power level:0 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A promising IBT player
Est. tournament completed: 29%
Active enrolled players:10
Average all players - life points banked: 2.5
Your lifepoints banked: 3
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):93%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:100%

It looks like you're editing your commands instead of replying to @wizardzap responses -- so long as @lordnigel or I am able to clearly determine the sequence of events (as was the case here), that is fine. Just be aware that should the bot mess up and neither one of us can sort things out, you may have results get rolled back and/or invalidated.

Stage 1 result validated. 3 life points banked, 1 flawless victory.

Hey @doughtaker,

@lordnigel taught me this during the testing of Gobbo...
Let me know now if I should just stop doing this lol


I think you're fine -- I went through your run of stage 2 and everything looked good.

Awesome, thanks!


Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:


You summon up your inner energy and produce a devistating spell:
What the actual flying duck sauce? You produce a spell so powerful it turns into a firey dragon!!! You unleash the dragon upon your enemy with full force and watch as your foe gets annihilated with a 12 point hit!!!WOW! Nice! you needed to hit for 3 and including bonuses from items you hit for 12.. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 2 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 0
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 0
Your characters power level:0 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A promising IBT player
Est. tournament completed: 29%
Active enrolled players:11
Average all players - life points banked: 2.5454545454545454
Your lifepoints banked: 3
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):94%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:100%

bug noted for fixing later Average all player life banked percentage needs rounding.

Stage 1 result validated. 3 life points banked, 1 flawless victory.


Bamm! Obtained item 2: Clock! +2 to players hit!


Kitty is going to have nightmares of that little child! Scary scary little human... Die!

Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:


Please transfer at least 0.010 Steem or equal SBD to @wizardzap with exact spelling memo: for ibt

I did about 5 minutes ago... I will wait a bit!

It should be good to go was bit unstable. but I have restarted.

Thanks! Going to give it a run now!


Please transfer at least 0.010 Steem or equal SBD to @wizardzap with exact spelling memo: for ibt


Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:

Angle Food runs off the boat yelling and laughing,

"Ahh ha ha they so cute!
Wait, don't kill it yet!
I wanna eat one alive!!!

Some of his fellow travelers are entertained by the twisted nature of Angel Food's first attack, others ignore him because he took too long to get off the boat again.

Peasants turn and stare as it they recognized Angel Food.
He is only focused on a yummy little monster. His eyes will be glowing soon.

Angel Food @steemseph.png


Please transfer at least 0.010 Steem or equal SBD to @wizardzap with exact spelling memo: for ibt



My memo was wrong. Just keep it please, and I’ll do another transfer.


Lucky you! Obtained item 3: Dagger! +3 to players hit!

Whoa!!! Plus 3 is awesome!

Nice...worked out and was worth the extra :)

Stage 1 result validated. 3 life points banked, 1 flawless victory.

You perform a quick fireball attack:
Wow! You impressed yourself with like the most totally perfect fireball everrr, it exploded in the enemies face like its the 4th of July of a Dragon Festival during a Michael Jackson concert. Are you literally Merlin?! You bring home a mighty hit of 6 points! Abra Kadabra and whatnot! Nice! you needed to hit for 3 and including bonuses from items you hit for 9. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63964.02
ETH 2592.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.75