in #steem6 years ago

STAGE FIVE - The harsh marsh lands

REMINDER: Some parts of the bot is still in early development. To be most effective and to help us to improve please:

1)Do not run the !special command until the boss round, even if you have reached level3. Sorry for the confusion.

You make your way down into the marsh lands. 

Oh gosh! these marshes stink and before you know it your up to you knee is stinky mud

..Just ahead you see the docks where a boat awaits to take you to the evil boss castle and untold Steem and silver prizes...

You shake your head and hold back the puke thinking to yourself, what kind of people could live next to such stink?. 

The town consists of just two buildings a small a dock and a motel. 

You decide to head over to the motel and ask the owner if you can rent a room just for the purpose of washing off the muck. For some reason they are greatly insulted and attack

"SNorttt!! how dare you insult my home - I wasn't going to kill you  like the boss asked... but now your doomed!" 

The motel owner pig boy has an attack strength of 6. 

(You must score a hit of 6 or more to win this Stage).

Quick Summary of what you need to do to attack

From this point on you have a number of options. These are summarized below:

Your first bot command should be !life - but after this stage !life is no longer useful.

by clicking on reply and typing !life our experimental bot will attempt to pickup where you left off. After this you can either attack or run one of the other commands listed below.

Quick Attack Guide 

If gobbo appears you get one shot to defeat him (can only use difficult attack) if you beat him you may run the command !gobbodrop, failure means loss of a life point and you may then resume your attack on the enemy... as gobbo has run away, the little Git!

Pickpocket time - You may attempt to pickpocket the enemy, you must do this before they are dead.

  • To pick the pocket of your foe, type a reply !openpockets. Then wait to see what you get, it could be a positive or negative item and it only helps/hinders you for the stage in which you got it.

Summon a permanent random item. - To begin all players are level 0 and you may only have a single level0 item for the entire campaign.Level 0 items are random when summoned, to grab your level0 item do this.

  • Transfer 0.01 Steem to the @wizardzap bot with a memo: "for ibt" Doing this will also have the bot upvote your other steemit posts while you remain a IBT player. If the amount is less then 0.01 Steem or the memo is incorrect you will need to wait for me to manually assist or try again transfering the correct Steem with the correct memo.
  • Type in a reply below !ibtluckydip - Then just wait and see what level 0 item you luck, most are +1 to hit, none are negative items.

NOTE: The attack or your command will only activate the bot if you type it on it's own in a reply. Please only use an attack for your class for this IBT - if you use an attack for another class, it may not be counted and it may not win Steem. You may need to wait a few seconds, then refresh the page to see the results. IF nothing happens, please be patient and someone will advise what to do next.

If you lost the attack

Should you lose the attack against the onscreen foe, simply keep attacking until you win. If you get lost type !life

All your unused life points per stage go towards you defeating the boss at the final stage, so try to save them.


If you run !life or !stats you can see how your character is progressing. Leveling up is automatic. If you reach level3 you can run the !special command as discussed in the item shop - please only run for the boss stage.

If your new and a bit lost, just watch carefully what other players do to play. Worse case type a reply and either myself or @doughtaker will help out.

Note: IBT is only for enrolled players - See enrolment post, its not too late. The bot is very experimental and may fail, if something unusual happens, please wait and advice will be provided on what to do - this is a work in progress. Please try to follow the bots comments, please don't delibrately try to break our bot :)

Have fun!

Special thanks to @spaceginger for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above. 100% of Steem raised from this post will go to those who win on the first attack. 



Enjoy Stage 5. You have all 3 life points to start:

For awareness your power level is now: 2


Oh! Positive Stage Item Obtained: Stylish Boots! +1 to players hit!

TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!


You perform a quick fireball attack:
Your fireball looks cool, not like wow-holy-shit-amazing...just kind of cool!. It burns the enemy with a solid hit of 4 points. You use the diminishing flame in your hands to spark up your pipe and take a long hit whilst brushing off your shoulder. Nice! you needed to hit for 6 and including bonuses from items you hit for 7. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 6 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 2
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 2
Your characters power level:3 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A Strong IBT Player
Est. tournament completed: 86%
Active enrolled players:24
Average all players - life points banked: 9.375
Your lifepoints banked: 12
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):91%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:80%

Stage 5 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 12), 4 flawless victories.


Enjoy Stage 5. You have all 3 life points to start:

For awareness your power level is now: 3


Nice! Positive Stage Item Obtained: A loving Grub! +2 to players hit!

TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!

You perform a quick fireball attack
Your fireball ignites and you manage to guide it to the target. The enemy puts it out, but still takes a hit of 2 points. Meh, looks like you need to get the good old spell book from the library and work on those skills. Nice! you needed to hit for 6 and including bonuses from items you hit for 6. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 6 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 2
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 2
Your characters power level:3 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A promising IBT player
Est. tournament completed: 86%
Active enrolled players:24
Average all players - life points banked: 9.5
Your lifepoints banked: 15
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):91%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:100%

Stage 5 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 15), 5 flawless victories.

Congrats to Sparkonian for completing a perfect regular season in IBT #8.

Sweet job with IBT so far


Enjoy Stage 5. You have all 3 life points to start:

For awareness your power level is now: 2

This is a muddy, slippery foe alright. Let's see if I can find any advantage.


Enjoy Stage 5. You have all 3 life points to start:

For awareness your power level is now: 1

You hold pickpocket item 1: A useless Clock! no effect to players hit you throw it away!
TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!

You perform a quick fireball attack
Your fireball ignites and you manage to guide it to the target. The enemy puts it out, but still takes a hit of 2 points. Meh, looks like you need to get the good old spell book from the library and work on those skills. Bad luck you needed to hit for 6 but you hit for 3 Better luck next time, you lose a life

You summon up your inner energy and fail to produce a lightening spell:
Actually, you manage to summon a good ol fashion self-destruct spell instead. Maybe save that one for a different occasion. You lose a life!
Better luck next time! you lose a life


Enjoy Stage 5. You have all 3 life points to start:

For awareness your power level is now: 3


You hold pickpocket item 1: A useless Clock! no effect to players hit you throw it away!
TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!


You perform an incredible spinnng sword attack:
Wow, you little sneak! You took the enemy off guard and totally slived them! You land a hit of 10 points, you ninja! Nice! you needed to hit for 6 and including bonuses from items you hit for 10.. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

Stage 5 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 15), 5 flawless victories.

Congrats to Custard-guts for completing a perfect regular season in IBT #8.

Pig face boy is kinda cute. To bad i have to hurt you.

Enjoy Stage 5. You have all 3 life points to start:

For awareness your power level is now: 3


Oh! Positive Stage Item Obtained: Stylish Boots! +1 to players hit!

TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!

You perform a quick fireball attack:
Your fireball looks cool, not like wow-holy-shit-amazing...just kind of cool!. It burns the enemy with a solid hit of 4 points. You use the diminishing flame in your hands to spark up your pipe and take a long hit whilst brushing off your shoulder. Nice! you needed to hit for 6 and including bonuses from items you hit for 8. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

Sorry pig boy face. Maybe we can be friends in the next IBT

"SNorttt!! how dare you insult my home - I wasn't going to kill you like the boss asked... but now your doomed!"

Insult your home? Hell, I'll insult your home, your land and your ugly ass kid. Time to bring forth the power of the storm!

Enjoy Stage 5. You have all 3 life points to start:

For awareness your power level is now: 3

You hold pickpocket item 1: A useless Clock! no effect to players hit you throw it away!
TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!

You summon up your inner energy and produce a powerful spell:
Your magnificent electric blast hits true. You do significate damage with a hit of 10! Also 10 points for Gryffindor! Nice! you needed to hit for 6 and including bonuses from items you hit for 12.. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

Looks like we havin' bacon tonight, boys!!!


Enjoy Stage 5. You have all 3 life points to start:

For awareness your power level is now: 3


You hold item 3: Dagger! +3 to players hit!


You draw and jab with your sword:
You hit like a small child and the attack is easiely reflected. You fool! Underestimating your foe is no way to victory! The enemy bursts out laughing. Gobbo observed the scene unfold, well hiden in a nearby bush. He rushes over to finish you off @gobbo You have activated gobbo, as an warrior you must use the difficult attack !warriorslash to equal or beat his attack!.. you will see his attack below shortly

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 5.


You draw and jab with your sword:
Wow! It almost looked like you knew what you were doing lol, suprised the enemy is damaged with a hit of 5 points. Nice! you needed to hit for 6 and including bonuses from items you hit for 8. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

Right this looks hard to beat

..but i feel my power has grown

Perhaps with the right pickpocket item i can still get away with a basic attack...

Enjoy Stage 5. You have all 3 life points to start:

For awareness your power level is now: 3


Oh! Positive Stage Item Obtained: Stylish Boots! +1 to players hit!

TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!

You perform a quick fireball attack:
Your fibreball looks pretty and magical as it flys through the air making fancy swirls, but where will it hit? Impossible to predict its trajectory, yet it burns the enemy with a hit of 5 points. Hocus Pocus and roasted! Nice! you needed to hit for 6 and including bonuses from items you hit for 8. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

Sorry pig will feel that in the morning

Stage 5 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 15), 5 flawless victories.

Congrats to Master Roach for completing a perfect regular season in IBT #8.

The motel owner instantly regretted his choice of words when he saw that famous helmet staring at him... and he recognized that it had to be the one, the only, the legendary DOOMguy.

The last words that the owner would hear in his life would be the ominous warning of Doomguy: "You and your town face imminent DOOM."


Enjoy Stage 5. You have all 3 life points to start:

For awareness your power level is now: 3

You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
its not the best shot ever lol!, but hopefully no-one was watching. You pierce the enemy for a hit of 3 points. Nice! you needed to hit for 6 and including bonuses from items you hit for 6. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

Stage 5 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 15), 5 flawless victories.

That completes back-to-back-to-back perfect regular seasons for Doomguy in the Interactive Battle Tournaments.

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 6 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 3
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 3
Your characters power level:3 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A Proficient IBT Player
Est. tournament completed: 86%
Active enrolled players:25
Average all players - life points banked: 11.04
Your lifepoints banked: 15
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):90%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:100%

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63525.38
ETH 2645.15
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76