in #steem6 years ago


Note: IBT is only for enrolled players. The bot is very experimental and may fail, if something unusual happens, please wait and I'll provide advice what to do - this is a work in progress.

You begin the long walk through the forest, but a few hours in decide to stop for a quick rest.  Just as your prepared to move on, @doughtaker stumbles, leans on a tree branch and breaks it. The tree comes to life and attacks 

"Ouch!....You'll never make it to the boss now"

The Evil tree has an attack strength of 5. (You must score a hit of 5 or more to win this Stage). 

Quick Summary of what you need to do to attack

You must type !l3 to declare you are ready to play the stage. This will tell the bot you are ready and have have 3 life points.

From this point on you have a number of options. These are summarized below:


You may do a basic or difficult attack, but should only do the attack for your character class:

 Archer attack:   

  • Quick attack, likely to hit: !onearrow
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !manyarrows

Wizard attack:   

  • Quick attack, likely to hit:  !mysticzap
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !mysticblast

Warrior attack:   

  • Quick attack, likely to hit: !warriorstab 
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !warriorslash

If gobbo appears you get one shot to defeat him (can  only use difficult attack) if you beat him you may run the command !gobbodrop, failure means loss of a life point and you  may then resume your attack on the enemy... as gobbo has run away, the little Git!

Pickpocket time - You may attempt to pickpocket the enemy, you must do this before they are dead.    

  • To pick the pocket of your foe, type a reply !openpockets.  Then wait to see what you get, it could be a positive or negative item  and it only helps/hinders you for the stage in which you got it.

Summon a permanent random item.  -  To begin all players are level 0 and you may only have a single level0 item for the entire campaign.Level 0 items are random when summoned, to grab your level0 item do this.    

  • Transfer 0.01 Steem to the @wizardzap  bot with a memo: "for ibt" Doing this will also have the bot upvote  your other steemit posts while you remain a IBT player. If the amount is  less then 0.01 Steem or the memo is incorrect you will need to wait for  me to manually assist.
  • Type in a reply below !ibtluckydip - Then just wait and see what level 0 item you luck, most are +1 to hit, none are negative items. 

NOTE: The attack will only be activated if you type the command in on it's own in a reply.    Please only use an attack for your class for this IBT - if you use an  attack for another class, it will not be counted and you  may not win   Steem. You may need to wait a few seconds, then refresh the page to see   the  results. IF nothing happens, please be patient and someone will   advise  what to do next.  

If you lost the attack

Should you lose the attack against the onscreen foe, simply type !l2 to display you have only 2 lives left and attack again. If you die again, type !l1 to display you are down to one life. 

All your unused life points per stage go towards you defeating the boss at the final stage, so try to save them.


If you win on the first attack on this stage type !upgrade1, as we progress through the stages you win on the first go for any stage you can type !upgrade1 through to !upgrade3. Upon reaching Level3 you may use the !special attack.

If your new and a bit lost, just watch carefully what other players do to play. Worse case type a reply and either myself or @doughtaker will help out.

Have fun!

Special thanks to @spaceginger for  his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above, some images are from abandware games like dragonwars. 100% of  Steem raised from this post will go to those who win on the first attack.


You have all 3 life points and are starting a new Stage:

TIP: If you win against the stage foe on this life, you win an extra Steem prize at post payout


Blimey! Negative Stage Item Obtained: Bomb! -2 to players hit!

TIP: Your pickpocket item will be replaced each time you steal a new one. Currently this has not been locked down so please only run pickpocket once per stage


SteemCyberNige holds item 3: Dagger! +3 to players hit!
Tip: This items extra hit points will be added to your attack score


You have all 3 life points and are starting a new Stage:

TIP: If you win against the stage foe on this life, you win an extra Steem prize at post payout


Oh! Positive Stage Item Obtained: Stylish Boots! +1 to players hit!

TIP: Your pickpocket item will be replaced each time you steal a new one. Currently this has not been locked down so please only run pickpocket once per stage

You perform a quick fireball attack
Your fireball ignites and you manage to guide it to the target. The enemy puts it out, but still takes a hit of 2 points. Meh, looks like you need to get the good old spell book from the library and work on those skills. Bad luck you needed to hit for 5 but you hit for 3 Better luck next time

You still have 2 life points:

TIP: Grab as many items as you can plus consider a less difficult attack

Stupid tree, you're for climbing

You have all 3 life points and are starting a new Stage:

TIP: If you win against the stage foe on this life, you win an extra Steem prize at post payout


Oh! Positive Stage Item Obtained: Stylish Boots! +1 to players hit!

TIP: Your pickpocket item will be replaced each time you steal a new one. Currently this has not been locked down so please only run pickpocket once per stage


You draw and jab with your sword:
You manage to land a blow that looks far more impressive than the damage it actually delivers. Nevertheless, you cut the enemey with a hit of 3 points. You just like to play dont you? Nice! you needed to hit for 5 and including bonuses from items you hit for 5. You won the fight and may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel


You have all 3 life points and are starting a new Stage:

TIP: If you win against the stage foe on this life, you win an extra Steem prize at post payout

This is unnatural!

You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
the bow made a strange sound as the arrow launches, as if the string nearly broke, but you clip the foe for a hit of 2 points!. Nice! you needed to hit for 4 and including bonuses from items you hit for 5. You won the fight and may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

LEVEL THREE!! Your power level is..Amazing!!:

TIP: If you win against the stage foe on this life, you win an extra Steem prize at post payout

You actually needed to hit for 5, but the bot correctly calculated that your total was 5, so you're in the clear.

Stage 3 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 9), 3 flawless victories.

BuRgUrMeCh aims ketchup cannons and says...
"The only thing you're good for is your smokey accents on my meat!!!"

"Get Char Broiled!!!"

You have all 3 life points and are starting a new Stage:

TIP: If you win against the stage foe on this life, you win an extra Steem prize at post payout

Blimey! Negative Stage Item Obtained: Bomb! -2 to players hit!

TIP: Your pickpocket item will be replaced each time you steal a new one. Currently this has not been locked down so please only run pickpocket once per stage

Rough! oh boy. I need to season this just right...

Lucky you! Obtained item 3: Dagger! +3 to players hit!

Tip: Eat more veggies - they make you strong

Whew! ok so that just means +1 to my hit.

Purrito unleaches a single tiny paw and sleepily uses the foe as a wooden scratching post.

You have all 3 life points and are starting a new Stage:

TIP: If you win against the stage foe on this life, you win an extra Steem prize at post payout

Oh! Positive Stage Item Obtained: Stylish Boots! +1 to players hit!

TIP: Your pickpocket item will be replaced each time you steal a new one. Currently this has not been locked down so please only run pickpocket once per stage

You attempt to perform a quick fireball attack:
it seems like you slipped on a banana! Not enough time at Wizard School or something? Gobbo happened to be walking by, knows youre an easy target, so he attacks...@gobbo .You have activated gobbo, as an Wizard you must use the difficult attack ! to equal or beat his attack!.. you will see his attack below shortly

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 3.

You have all 3 life points and are starting a new Stage:

TIP: If you win against the stage foe on this life, you win an extra Steem prize at post payout


Doomguy holds item 3: Dagger! +3 to players hit!
Tip: Eat more veggies - they make you strong


Nice! Positive Stage Item Obtained: A loving Grub! +2 to players hit!

TIP: Your pickpocket item will be replaced each time you steal a new one. Currently this has not been locked down so please only run pickpocket once per stage

Ok, so the actual net bonus is +3 (ingot for +1, not dagger, and +2 from the grub). Time to kill another monster.


BOT restarted a few minor fixes applied for stability. Sorry there are more problems then expected. Lets see how it goes, and we struggle on with @doughtaker's help :)

🚩 🚩 🚩 STAGE 3 IS NOW CLOSED. 🚩 🚩 🚩

Here are the results:


If the number 31 appears in the same row as your name under column S3, congrats -- you get a share of the STEEM pool for Stage 3.

You have all 3 life points and are starting a new Stage:

TIP: If you win against the stage foe on this life, you win an extra Steem prize at post payout


Ugh! Negative Stage Item Obtained: Evil Gem! -1 to players hit!

TIP: Your pickpocket item will be replaced each time you steal a new one. Currently this has not been locked down so please only run pickpocket once per stage


You perform an incredible spinnng sword attack:
Wow, you little sneak! You took the enemy off guard and totally slived them! You land a hit of 10 points, you ninja! Nice! you needed to hit for 5 and including bonuses from items you hit for 9. You won the fight and may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

Stage 3 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 8), 2 flawless victories.

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