A warning to young players - anyone wanting crypto this Xmas?

in #steem6 years ago

If crypto was a X-mas tree then alt-coins are the decorations and bitcoin is the shiny star.

Maybe...but lets imagine for a moment, It’s Christmas and you have just set up your tree

Now tree's don't come like this, they have to be setup...so lets wind back the clock, we have our tree but no decorations - it’s time to put on some metaphoric decorations, lets start with the star at the top or bitcoin. 

Look how its sits on the top so easily and just seems to stay on the top of the tree no matter what happens, I guess this is part of the blessing of being the first and at the top.

Now lets add our lovely top 10 most decorative decorations, let’s put Ether, litecoin tether etc.

Oh! so sweet... don’t they look shiny and bright! Wow so nice looking.  

Now lets add the others from the box, including Steem (mind any rats). 

Gosh our tree is all decorated and looks sweet as.   

Then why don’t we let the cat in, who doesn’t give a stuff about the tree the decorations or anything!! and it just keeps shaking the shit out of the tree.  


Look at all the bits falling off those lower decorations, even bitcoin is dropping the glitter, but being on the top does offer some protection.   

…and what about those bits that fell down, the ones you lovingly put in place. Well lets just say, the kitten didn’t go hungry this xmas. 

The only protection this xmas boys and girls is not to mess with the tree, put your decoration up and leave it alone, don’t think for a moment you can beat the cat at his own game! HODL!

I hate to see people get hurt chasing a dream of a better life and thinking they can out smart the cat.

Just put up the decoration you love the best and don’t play the tree shaking game with the cat. For me it’s just one easy decoration this year, and the tree is staying up all year round..

Buy Steem now, Hodl onto it don't buy into the games designed not only to take your money but destroy the industry...

Take care out there mum and dad investors.


Ok, I put up my christmas tree at my parents home and killed off all their cats.
Hehe any other tips? Can the dog stay? or will it eat the doge coins?

Haha, that's the way:)

If you can't win the game as your odds are extremely low and you can't raise the bets (the game is stacked in the cats favor) change the playing field - sometimes not playing is doing exactly that.

haha, well said dude. I just hate cats tho.

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