
We need them instagram holes and Pornhub models . steem will go to the moon to many nerds right now

Posted using Partiko Android

Steem is where is suppose to be, it might not happen immediately but slowly we will get there. Steem has a promising future

Too early to tell. I want to believe that everything is going to be alright, but in the past week I have read many articles that say otherwise. I tend to side with the people that believe pay to play will drive many people away from the platform. One article that was very interesting was about a person that opened up an account and all she did in the beginning was comment on other people's posts. She did this for quite a while before ever making a single post. This was done in an effort to gain a following before posting. With very little capital invested she has become very successful. It doesn't sound like this will be an option anymore as commenting will be very limited unless you PAY TO PLAY.

Good question. This Knight feels that the whole experience has brought Steemians closer together. So feeling increased camaraderie and hopeful for our future success. SirKnight.

Posted using Partiko Android

we feel great, sinners - spammers will be punished as they should!!! and if they come back on the right direction-track, everything will go well for them too... :))))

I learned that I was too addicted to Steem and need to go to a Steem Anonymous meeting and say, "Hi my name is @pyemoney and I am a steemaholic." LOL

@lordgood It is good now. All the problems are getting solved. I feel there is less spam nowadays. Steem will shine

Posted using Partiko Android

Yea... Most spam account has been rendered incapacitated

the resource credit system seems to be helping cut back the spam posts, so that's actually a good thing.

Steem is gonna be great.

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