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RE: Quick note on burnpost

in #steem5 years ago

Cmon man...

$37, trending....
Just give it a rest with this Burnpost thing. I mean youre seeing right now exactly why this is all pointless. Market swings, Steem and SBD move with it...

Remove this thing from the trending page.


Take it up with the voters.

I'm quite sure there is a lot of stake held by people who don't share your opinion on the value of the Trending page. I know I don't.

As for the market swings, I suggest you take a closer look. Steem has barely moved in terms of rankings. Yeah, the price has moved up a bit with the market but this does nothing to demonstrate that Steem's economics aren't seriously broken.

Looking for more milking posts instead of improvements to the economics on the Trending page, or receiving a larger portion of the reward pool, is being part of the problem, not the solution.

Or to put it another way, if you want to see better stuff on the Trending page, get people to post better stuff that is compelling and really adds value to Steem. I will be the first to vote for it, as I often do. @burnpost is "none of the above". It is there by default, not because it is our first choice (speaking for voters, which I can't really do, but I think my views are accurate).

Oh, so you're taking that stance:

"It's not me, it's the voters. I'm just a vessel of demand and bare no responsibility ."

You know that's not how it works. Even a bad idea will get traction if the "right person" is behind it. In this case you. And you cant wash your hands of it all. Youre the one running it.

We did move from 90 to 75 which is a noticeable jump. That being saidnSteem economics are broken. We all know that. But you dont patch a leaking ship with duct tape.
This is not how you fix it. The splution is tackling the underlying issue of SBD, maybe look at how how ETH stablecoins are doing it.

" if you want to see better stuff on the Trending page, get people to post better stuff"

Thats really a cop out statement. The actions of whales on this platform in large part determine the content created.
Telling me to get people to post more quality content is nonsensical for a number of reasons.

  1. Theres no way i can do that but i can try and convince you to stop posting this stuff.
  2. I cant convince you to put in the work to try and find quality creators.
  3. I cant know every whales preference or ehat they consider quality content, which im sure youre aware of.

It is absolutely the voters, and I'm one of the voters too. (Though I do vote late to reduce trending. I also haven't voted for this rules update at all.)

I absolutely believe, 100%, that there should be a none-of-the-above option when it comes to reward voting.

Who is responsible for how much voting support none-of-the-above gets? Both voters and posters.

I fail to see how you can conclude otherwise.

You won't convince me that none-of-the-above doesn't have a role to play. I simply don't agree that arbitrarily low-value content should be paid, by default, because nothing better is available. That's a cop out on behalf of posters who want to get paid without really contributing anything.

And, truthfully, your gripe doesn't seem to be with the concept of none-of-the-above at all, but with how highly it is voted (i.e. ends up on trending). So, again, take this up with the voters and/or posters who aren't posting compelling content that ends up higher on Trending, pushing burnposts down. I have voted for such content in the past and I expect to do so in the future. Nothing would make me happier than to see more of it.

BTW, SBD is a secondary consideration when it comes to burnpost and virtually not a consideration at all when SBD is below $1, which has been the case for the past year. The primary purpose and function of burnpost is none-of-the-above. The various rules for how to deal with SBD being received are there to maximize value for Steem stakeholders and avoid negatively impacting the peg, but again, that doesn't even come into play when SBD is below $1 and SBD isn't being paid out in rewards, both of which have been the case for the past year.

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