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RE: Walking Advertisement | Accounts We Should Be Supporting On STEEM

in #steem6 years ago

Nope, your opinion is valid and one that is understandable. Luckily there are curation groups that focus on the users you described exactly.. but those groups need support to continue this work as well. The issue currently is trying to get the larger stake holders to see the value in curation and supporting these initiatives, but it’s something I focus on in my work with @c-squared/@c-cubed, @helpie and @curie... they are all focused on helping the little guys. One thing that I think is huge for those accounts (and myself because while I have grown a ton since joining in January.. I’m still a Minnow), is communities. Communities and networking is pretty vital here.. which was my point in new users already having a place to feel at home once they arrived.

This post is mostly touching on supporting these walking advertisements rather than actually paying for outside advertising. These accounts are small on Steem, have little to no following and are not making much without the help of curation initiatives or larger votes... which is why I mentioned these rather than those already doing well. The idea is they could be a way to reach many while still supporting great content.

There will always be celebrity accounts here, it’s just the world we live in.. BUT that doesn’t mean that we all don’t have a fair chance of finding our own level of success here. Our goals need to be realistic though and we have to put in the time.. and yeah, we all can’t be amazing bloggers I agree.. in fact I don’t think I’m one myself.. most of the work I do here is community building and curating.

But I do see the value that accounts like these add here.. and when we add value to the platform, we all benefit because we are all investors here.

If you are looking for a community or inclusive curation group that focuses on all accounts, not just the famous ones, check out a curation project I started with some fellow curators;

We are trying to make sure everyone gets the support they need.

Thanks for your comment!

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