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RE: Walking Advertisement | Accounts We Should Be Supporting On STEEM

in #steem6 years ago

I do think that those realistic expectations are so important, because new accounts show up and without understanding how anything works see a post that has huge rewards that may be low quality. That author then expects to get the same rewards etc.. which leads to frustration and possibly leaving. Now with that being said, there is this insane attitude of entitlement here and I for the life of me can’t wrap my head around it. Never in the time I have been here did I walk around pissed off because I wasn’t getting upvoted.. and yes, that sounds funny now because my payouts are insane.. but just two months ago I averaged $3 a post and was happy to get it.

So to me it’s a terrible combination of unrealistic expectations mixed with lack of guidance and communities. We need to ensure that new users are landing somewhere that will be beneficial for them.. get them involved with communities where they can easily be mentored and helped to see what is truly possible here while having that connection which is so special. I’m hoping SMTs/Hivemind communities help with this.. but we will see.

I think the whole quality is subjective is always a bit hard to take.. in fact I don’t take it well at all 😂, but it is true to a point. Some things that I see as a total waste of space others love.. so, I guess value is decided by those voting.. which I struggle with. But I am a big believer in to each their own so I try not to stress about it too much. On the other hand.. If I can guide and direct people to exceptional content, that’s what I’m gonna do. It’s just what I’m passionate about.

Ok, I’m done rambling 😜 Thanks for the comment Dave and I look forward to seeing you at SF.

Also thanks for the account suggestions! I’m adding them to my list!

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