How to Be a Triple Threat Like @coruscate - Deliberate, Determined, Daring

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Guys, this chica isn't making it big because she just got lucky, or because she has great hair (, nevermind).

@coruscate is doing well on this platform for 3 reasons:

  1. She's deliberate
  2. She's determined
  3. She's daring

I've consulted with her often on what her secret is, and guys, there's no secret. Let's analyze what she's doing that most of us could take heed from. Be sure to watch the video above where she reveals one of her "secrets" to success at a recent Steem Creators Conference Presentation!

Be Deliberate


Every single post @coruscate does has a formula for success.

  • She uses Canva (a free online thumbnail maker) to spruce up her thumbnail photo.
  • She takes the time to take a fun snapshot of what she's doing, then assembles a nice little image that makes it interesting. So although she has a consistent feel with each post, they are all slightly different and eye-catching.
  • All of her titles make you want to watch every video she makes. She sucks you in with the title.
  • And she KEEPS you in because her content is actually relevant or meaningful.
  • Her text is thoughtful, well written, and articulate!

She takes TIME to make meaningful videos and text so you know she's not a cheapskate. She's a @coruscate. Ha ha!

She takes TIME to connect with her followers in a vulnerable, sincere way.

She takes TIME to generate new contacts, make new friends, and follow others.

  • NOTE - if you have a conform-type-post that really does need to look the same every time, go right ahead. There is a place for that too. You know what your audience needs.

Be Determined


@coruscate takes huge risks. Did you know that when she was first starting out, small like the minnows of the sea, she posted a video on every day for 4 months? You heard me...

Every Day for 4 Months!!!

When no one else was really doing it because it was slow to upload, frustrating to manage, and frankly a slight turnoff because it took EFFORT and there were technical hangups sometimes, @coruscate kept at it. She wasn't getting noticed either. No votes, really. But she kept at it for some God forsaken reason. Then she started getting a little bit of attention from after being on the platform for months. And now she is the top earning female on, and is doing phenomenally! You think that just happened? Like she suddenly got famous out of nowhere? Like she just lucked out and thought MAYBE would make it big?

No! She is determined, and she knows something good when she sees it! She pictures her goals in her mind as though they have already happened, and there is simply no room for it to be otherwise. Then she ACTS as though it is already in place.

  • She has refined her presentation day after day.
  • She is consistent, regular, and dedicated.
  • She eventually earned enough to purchase good recording and editing equipment
  • She put together a beautiful backdrop
  • She added music and editing splashes
  • She started taking advantage of online tutorials and apps that help with presentation

She put in the TIME to make her stuff classy and elegant. Her stuff didn't always look this good. She was doing all her videos from her iphone 5. And had crappy editing tools and recording equipment.

This is called determination, folks. And she's like this in every other aspect of her life.

Be Daring


Over the months, @coruscate has tried several different approaches to her content. She started with travel posts, but that fell off quickly because she found she was not able to travel as much as she had anticipated. She tried doing music posts, and those were fun, but not earning much. She tried crypto coverage, lifestyle posts, photography, name it! She has tried it all! Just like the rest of us.

She finally decided to stick with something she wasn't sure would work, but it "felt right" and it was "me" she said. And that was the NON crypto stuff. She just loved talking about regular life - health, work, money management, exercise, cooking, travel, photos, family, etc. The thing is, lifestyle posts don't usually do great on here, as a rule. And she knew this. But she was starting to gain some headway on by now, and felt that with her momentum, it was time to bring in something fun to the blockchain.

Enter...the Steem Sister Show, where @coruscate and her sister @maryjaney started taking questions from the audience and handling them with flare and fun. The two of them are such a darling pair! And the world ate it up.


I was lucky enough to have an opportunity to interview her on my Dear Littlescribe show a few months ago, and we hit it off! We had such a great time, we decided to do a show together! And now we co-host on the Fan Fiction Show - a LIVE show where we have guests read lore from the Steemmonsters canon, we discuss trading tips with @davemccoy, we present weekly music and art, we give away free booster packs to listeners, and we talk about upcoming steemmonsters gossip! It is such a blast!

Develop Yourself

It's all about timing. Had @coruscate started out jumping in to the things she's doing today, they might have fallen flat. But because she spent a lot of time establishing connections, making progress on, learning who she was, and earning reputation points and followers on STEEM, each thing "felt right." And she has positioned herself to really succeed!

You can do the same thing. If you ever have questions about how to become what you want on STEEM, ask someone who you already admire and watch what they do. They'll almost always be eager to share their "secrets."

And if not?

If none of these things had worked out, what do you think @coruscate would have done? Would she have thrown in the towel and said, "Nobody likes me. I give up."

Nope. She would have plugged away until something worked for her. And the entire time, she would have stayed true to herself and what is important to her. What "feels right."

I like to go where the energy takes me



This is quite possibly the kindest, sweetest most thoughtful write up I’ve ever seen! I was literally smiling ear to ear reading this. Thank you so much for all of the love and I’m SO excited that we have all of these fun Steem monster adventures together now! :-)

"Deliberate," "determined" and "daring," she may be, but those three qualities hardly capture Coruscate's essence. I mean, you make her sound like Errol Flynn in "The Adventures of Robin Hood."

If we wrote a song verse about Coruscate, to the tune of "The Robin Hood Song," I doubt derring-do would be the sole focus:-

"Coruscate Coruscate, posts without a pen
Coruscate Coruscate, sing your song again
Feared by no one, loved by stake weight
Coruscate Coruscate Coruscate."

There are accounts with the 3 qualities above that don't get similar loyalty and engagement. Why?

Not being an expert in words beginning with "d," I'll add to your 3 qualities that I think Coruscate is also: real and vulnerable, and more than that, she's caring. The last of these is critical :)

Good point! I think that is the essence of this girl! And I do believe that is the most important thing she addresses in the video above. But being vulnerable and kind are (in my opinion) NOT why she's successful. Sure, it's important to be likable, I guess. But being likable isn't what made her sit in front of her crappy video camera with crappy editing software and a crappy interface day after day for 4 months. That's called badass.

EVERYONE knows @coruscate as the girl next door: sweet, caring, kind, sincere, engaging, and open. But there are a lot of people who are those things and are not making it like she is. Why is she successful? She is those things, but she's smart as the dickens, she's shrewd, she thinks long-game on every single decision she makes, she shows restraint and patience, she thinks big in her sleep, she's humble as hell, and she doesn't give up. She always finds a better way to do things. Always improving. Always looking. Always finding the cutting edge.

That's why she's awesome. This whole cute @coruscate stuff is just a perk. You can't make it on here just being cute and vulnerable. You gotta be able to deliver. There's another D word for you. Deliver.

The whole point of this post was to demonstrate that she's a badass boss. And THAT'S why she is making it.

"she's a badass boss. And THAT'S why she is making it"

You're right of course, @Littlescribe.

I suppose it's just that two of those qualities are so workaday and self-help book: ie determined and deliberate. It's Tony Robbins, it's the USA, it's hard work made good, it's all true. As The Rock said: "consistent hard work" is the engine of success.

It's like you've got a saleswoman and she's carrying her bag, which is full of her wares, and of course, the more hard work she puts in, the less she takes no for an answer, the more determined she is, the more deliberate her plan, the more she is gonna sell. True.

But I wanna know: what's in the case? What is she selling? What am I buying?

Because I get it, selling is business, and the business of America is business, but I just don't care. What's in the case? What are "the wares?"

And the qualities I pointed out are what's in the case, they are the wares. That's what's worth selling. That's the value.

But there's that other d-word you mentioned, "daring." Now that's different. The moment I knew that Coruscate had something special in her case, something worth sharing beyond American business platitudes, was when she dared open it. It was when she did that free-write thing, and wrote about her "anxiety." That's when I knew she was more than salesmanship. She admitted her vulnerability, something we all feel, but few admit. And it took "daring" to admit that.

So if you wanna tell me that "daring" is where it's at, that's where we've got a meeting of minds. Cos while I value the qualities I espoused, vulnerability and caring, far more than two of the ones you did, I agree that "daring" is the most important thing of all.

Daring and sharing. :)

OK. It's agreed then. We'll meet at daring and sharing. Because the twain are what make her a one-two punch. Very well written. I'm sure she'll appreciate your comments.

Yay. DEAL! :)

Truth be told, my ideas I got from @Whatsup.

The most valuable lesson I got on Steemit I got from her: hard work doesn't entitle you to anything here. It is necessary, but this is not "work." This is a social network. Not understanding this is the reason all those hardworking Steemians have tantrums about putting in hours and "earning" nothing, and storm off the platform.

In fact, it's who you are, and the value you bring to stakeholders lives, that matter. :)

Hmmmm. Well, I a degree. I mean, who's gunna argue with @whatsup. Certainly not me! She's a great force on here. That being said, she is by far one of the most consistent quality posters on this platform. And had stayed dedicated, taken daring risks, and put in the time. But without her sincerity, I wouldn't think much of her. So maybe it's just one of those inseparable things. You can't really have one without the other.

That being said, this conversation is making me think, on a peripheral level, that maybe I need to be more vulnerable on here! I have seen more than one conversation on that very topic in just the last couple of days.

What about you? Have you found it to be hard to be vulnerable? I feel like I wouldn't wanna just throw it all out there, but I gotta say, my dad came on here and was always really disarming with his personal stories, and people just gobbled it up!

"maybe I need to be more vulnerable on here!"

I imagine the key is to ask: "what is the essential me?" or "what part of me do people IRL respond to?" and share those things. If Coruscate is vulnerable and caring, Whatsup is direct and funny. What about you?

I am a massive Scaredy Cat, always procrastinating. I've only just got comfortable commenting and I haven't actually written a single post lol.

If you've ever seen Monty Python, I am like the accountant who wanted to be a lion-tamer. But when I realized that lions were scary and hard to tame, I decided to go back to accountancy.

I have had fun doing what I'm doing, and my essential conservatism wants to keep on enjoying that.

But posts like yours make me think. Maybe I should give it a go, like the people I admire on the platform. :)

That's a really great question to ask! What part of me to people respond to IRL....


Hahah aww thanks my friend!!

I don't even watch videos and I know who this lady is! No question, she's winning and she is winning with effort and class!

Nice post @littlescribe. I love it when we celebrate success!

Thanks @whatsup! And you are a classy lady yourself! I'm sure there is not a soul who would disagree. :D

I saw her video for the first time through @goldmatters blog.
One thing that made me watch that video, it was her captivating smile. You have really come a long way. I hope to be like you one day...
Can we be friends? I like what you do. I am a media personality, blockchain host. Now following you @coruscate

Hey! You're doing some pretty cool stuff on your blog. Normally I don't like to see so many resteems on a person's blog, but yours are all very relevant to what you're doing, and they are all very good to read. I am going to follow you. Keep up the great work!

Awwn, thank you very much mama. I really enjoy showcasing people's content so far it is amazing and worth the read. The contrast is that I'm not doing it for the visibility cos I don't even have such followers but it is still okay. Consider me your number one fan for your show henceforth, I do follow up from @timcliff and @sircork blogs. But it is going to be direct access

Well, you haven't been on here very long, and you are commenting and posting like a maniac. It looks like you are starting up some pretty good connections. And your own content is good. So I think you will do just fine as time goes by! It's hard because right now the dollar is low, so it's harder to see the results as easily, but keep being a friendly force and people will love you.

I know that, just that I had some little obstacles when I started out here. I was still in college then and it was really stressful combining school and steeming. But, I guess I'm fully here now. Thank you for your words mama once again.

grate work i can follow u.

Beautiful post i appreciate your valuable post thanks for sharing this beautiful blog post

I really enjoyed reading this. It's great finding out how some of the 'Stars of Steemit' (SOS!), carved out their niche here.

Maybe that should be a show... SOS! An indepth discovery/writeup of some interesting characters... voted on weekly by the community?

I don't even...

That is a great idea! In fact, we've actually interviewed some of them already. But we are already inviting "stars of steem" onto our fan fiction show to read some lore. So you're onto something there! Maybe you could start a separate show sometime...

I did something like that on my former Dear Littlescribe show, and it was a lot of fun. That's how @coruscate and I became such good friends, actually.

Oh, that's wonderful to hear!
Creating relationships and connections on this platform has to be the best outcome of your time input here. Fantastic :D

Probably the best thing I have here is the amazing relationships I've formed here. Nothing compares. It's been an awesome experience. Sooo many cool people to do so much cool stuff with. @carrieallen and streaming live with her like a boss, @isaria and her amazing music creation for steemmonsters, @coruscate and the fan fiction show she does with me and the example she is to me, @mistermercury cuz he's amazing and he's my dad, @whatsup for schooling me on how to be more positive about the platform, @timcliff and his incredible technical input, @lukestokes and his enthusiasm, @aggroed for his boundless determination and creativity, @saffisara for being so sweet and supportive all the time, @dreemsteem for her incredible support to the noobs, @simgirl for being on a writing team with me week after week and being super creative and organized, @chrisroberts for making me a cyborg, @steemmatt for the Chuck Norris jokes, @sircork for selflessly helping me get started in my live streaming career and teaching me how to use OBS, @davemccoy for knowing so much and always sharing his trading tips with me and helping out so many noobs, @mattclarke for being an inspiration on how to think outside the box and be inspirational to others, @jarvie for being so quality and so genius and talented at the same time - and for running into me at a wedding reception, @ats-david for being my newbie friend and supporting me with handsome votes during a dry spell, @bethalea for being my sister wife, @jackmiller because he's such a humble, brilliant man, @harrisonmir for his unbelievable music, @improv - can't get enough of your puns, @upheaver for sounding like Count Dracula when he talks - but mostly for being the epitome of an amazing developer with total class, @patrice for coming on my Dear Littlescribe show and schooling me on spam, and @sunravelme for letting me slaughter her name.

And soo many others! I love you all. You're real people to me. It's like home away from home, but I work from home, so it's like you're my family!

Wow, this is just incredible!

Definitely a group of world-class Steemians you have garnered during your time here - awesome 😀

As @sircork said, let's see who else takes a moment to reply. Your shout-out reply was very nicely worded.

Oh, I already know who will if they see it and who never will. Seek real substance in your friend choices here folks and its not always easy to tell. ;)

Maybe they don't have @ginabot set up? 😅 lol

I use Steemworld to check "mentions" from time-to-time... but I guess these folks have been here long enough that they (should?) know what they're doing.

Love you scribey

Hmmm. I was wondering if you'd be lurking. Love you back Cork on a hot tin roof.

Now you know darn well...

I am always listening!

... Lets see how fast and who else responds ;)

I'm not sure everyone is hooked up with ginabot. I'm not...although I think I prolly should! But no worries because this reply was so fun to write, I think I'll just do a bonafide post about it. It was fun to reflect!

Nicely done Lil' Scribe, resteemed to my 7,000 followers!

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