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RE: Get ready for BIGGER payouts!! $12,000,000 per year at current levels...

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Biggest thing I would like, but don't know if its implemented is getting part of adds rewenue when they are here implemented. Its like this some corporation comes in and with its steempower presents thier product. Becuse people generaly don't like adds, but don't mind them; corporation must push in money for visibility, and users benefit from that and in some part corporation too. This way we as community reflect on quality of product with out votes, thus corporation must make quality products and adds, else they will naturally fall down.


@ned has commented saying that adverts are unlikely to be on the Steemit platform. They may however allow users to pay for premium content slots (like Google ad's, but users paying for their content to go in the premium slots). I imagine this money (if it ever happens) will go towards Steemit development, and it will need to, if this grows the way we all hope, @ned @dan are going to need funding to make this happen...

"Becuse (sic) people generaly (sic) don't like adds, but don't mind them"
I have a massive problem with this statement! Assuming you mean adverts, I hate them in every way. I dislike people telling my conscious and unconscious brain what to buy, how to behave, how to treat other humans, what to wear, the music to listen too. The list goes on.

Keep adverts off steem. There is enough product placement on all other platforms, let's keep this thing a sweet sweet thing a safe haven :)

Advertising is main power of todays world or local bussines.. They are essential for any bussines, there is no need to be disgusted by them. Imagine you have product that you made and its very good. No one would know you sell it for a long time, until the word spreads p2p. Advertising helps you spread news of your product faster. Todays marketing can get your product to your targeted audience, and don't bother others too much. I understand why you feel when you write that you hate adverts, but hate is strong word and negative emotion so i think its not fit there. Just watch some funny comercial youtube video, and you wil lse that is not so bad, that neeeds hating. Google ads is one of the leading forces in todays web, and its not so bad for people. Even this platform works like ads in big measure it promotes one votes (like money, and money they are).
ghostyeti wrote: "I dislike people telling my conscious and unconscious brain what to buy, how to behave, how to treat other humans, what to wear, the music to listen too."
I agree with what you say, but its not ads problems its as you said people (or technology) problem, if you open youtube it pushes to you lots of that stuf without you asking for it (even when you play something you want to lisen). Again I went too deep. Anyways markenting and ads are great tool to help your bussines growing but todays corporate world is generally sick and use them for manipulation. So maybe as hisnameisolllie pointed user paid content to promote it is way to advertising enters here, and if it goes over some good taste it will be curated to its rigthfull place.

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