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RE: It not about "Voice", lets not fall into the competition trap

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Our USP: we have already communities here (like the #deutsch one, they just need to grow). For the others (Cent, Trybe, Karma,...) and also Voice this will take time.

Exactly, but people here are passive. They try to maximize the number of tokens, in case Steem moons. This strategy works for Bitcoin, Ethereum and so on. There will be a fidelity, a Volkswagen, Bosh, Microsoft, and there is not much we can do.

But here we can make a change. We already had Youtubers with a few million followers. We had d-live, they now have Pewdiepie with 96 Million followers. Or news channels like RT-news (3,5 Million followers). When the fish already jumps into your net and you dont grap him ...

there is a 32000000 SP account collecting dust and doing nothing. Why they don't use it for "paying" rewarding YouTuber.

we could easily become a Top 1000 Website...

*EOS/Block.One got the point. We need to wake up.

100 million wtf


Wow, I was not aware about this sleeping whale, WTF? What a waste!

Very interesting - who is the owner of this account? Jesus?

vermutlich nur ein entsandter Engel der seine Mission vergessen hat. Das ist der @Steemit Account von Steemit inc. würde ich mal sagen. Einer von mehreren.

Hatte ich mir auch schon gedacht - gleichwohl könnte man damit sehr viel gutes antstellen.

Beste Grüße und herzlichen Dank nochmals für die interessanten Infos.

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