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RE: Steem is better for the worlds poor than Bitcoin.

in #steem8 years ago

This is an aspect of Steem that I personally am already benefiting from. I may not live in a third world country, I live in Bulgaria, on the edge of the EU in the middle of every part of the supercontinent of asia/europe/africa. But here in Bulgaria, the price of living is a lot lower. I have been on Steem for a week now (gads, has it been that long???) and I scored my first big reward, now sitting at 262, and to be locked in to my account in about 4 hours time. This money is enough for me to pay my rent, and boost my Steem power as well (an investment) and I have just started here.

The more, and more diverse the people who join Steem, the faster this effect will kick in, and as the steem community grows, more people will buy up steem from outside the community, and speculate on it, which will further increase the market capitalisation and expand to accommodate rewarding the new users as they come on board.

Steem is going to have a big impact when it reaches the third world markets. Very big impact.


Wow I'm glad to hear it. It's one thing to speculate on the impact Steem could have and another to see it having an impact already. I already have more value in my Steem account than in my bank account. Being as broke as I am not a hard feat to accomplish but still very cool very life changing.

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