Either I'm a Steem noob again, or Steem is having issues again :/

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I've been reverted back to noob status of someone who first joins the blockchain with a few handful of votes on a post. 12 votes after over an hour on a new post. Something is odd... what's happening here?

Source, Source

Either I've lost much support, or maybe it's a very busy Saturday with hardly anyone around to vote on posts? Or maybe this is the telling state of Steem, where most of the votes I and others get is from autobot automated autovoting services :/

I've expressed my dislike about this issue before. It's just sad that our social media platform is run through automation, not actual human actions or behaviors.

I know this is how things are most likely going to stay forever. There is no changing it apart from people wanting to change it by changing how they do things. But that is not likely to happen unless there is greater benefit (economic benefit that is) to engage in curating the platform's content through actual human behavior.

So here is another post where expresses dismay at how things are here. I vote manually to keep the human-driven platform behavior "dream" alive. I benefit from autovoting, as many of the votes I receive come by that way. There is too much content for many accounts to reward so much of it by manually voting for everyone each day.

Autovoting is here to stay. It just sucks that is "has" to be this way in order for more people to get rewarded by the few with most of the power to do the rewarded (higher SP accounts) :( "Social media" without social human behavior driving it just seems like a failure of what social media is supposed to be...

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Dude I feel the same, even as my account has been ‘growing’ slowly I have way less interaction, votes, comments... however recently on my last 5-6 posts I’ve been getting like 500 upvotes?! But only making about 0.40c from them, it’s just strange to see 400+ upvotes on one of my posts when I am not buying them. I’m not complaining as it works well for me but I wonder why.

Steemit does need a change. I think the creator is wanting our as he’s been withdrawing all of this steem for a while now. There are so many blockchain based reward sites coming out, I once thought it will change the world but now I think it could become over saturated...? I hope I’m wrong. Maybe we will see Facebook Twitter and YouTube create their own coins and just continue to dominate...

Damn, that's a lot of votes. Where are they coming from? Facebook is supposedly into a blockchain/cypto project of their own...

I have no idea! It’s just been happening this week, it’s not making me that much more steem as I’m getting like 400 votes but about 0.30c profits. But I’m not complaining about it, hopefully it keeps on happening, I would love to grow my steem value. Looks like we don’t get sbd anymore for payouts.

Oh no.. that could mean lots of new projects get squashed

I curate manually too but the value of my vote has decreased so much recently that I can only vote for about half as many posts.

I vote with my own mouse and write my own comments. I also do not use bots. Call me a purist, but I happen to like being real and I generally like people...

Right on! Keep it up, or else we let the realness die and the platform becomes all "fake" behavior...

Well, at least that's two of us!

It's because steem price has decreased.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, it sucks with the value decreasing that affects how we reward a quantity of users :/

Haha I think I might have been one of those 12.

I have mixed feelings about auto votes. I, too, benefit from them since I was accepted into earthtribe, I delegate to canna-curate, and a few people were kind enough to set me up with their votes but it always feels good when when you know that someone saw your post, liked it, and upvoted it.

I think there can be a place for both. I "preach" the value of community interaction but I think there will have something about doing it to attract people to it. Making friends and consuming content is half of the fun of this place but I am not sure how to get that message across to people.

Well money drives a lot. So we like autovotes because of the money it brings us. If there was not any money, then I don't think autovotes would be bothered with...

Probably a combination of things. User activity here is down (my feed is proof) and with the lower Steem values that keep falling the vote value falls as well. Four months ago I had the ability to upvote 4 times the amount of things I can now. Voting less (for what its worth you are my favorite poster here so you haven't felt the affects of this) I still find myself falling a few times a week into the 70's on my voting power.

I can't ever see myself using an autovoter, although I know many love them.

Yeah, lower Steem = lower activity across the platform. I try to measure my vote % on posts so that it stays int he high 80s at worst ;)

You hit the nail on the head again. Your last post on world debt I thought was outstanding. Maybe to many words for most. But if they took the time to read it they would see every word was needed. I see this post already has 133 hits. Go figure.

Thanks :) Yeah, I think it was the bots and nodes being down or something LOL :P

Money is like a dynamo in Steemit, and in all of society, put some of it and everything will start to flow. The market has been red, and people have stopped publishing, they have even stopped commenting and voting.

I think that those of us who are active should comment, publish and vote more to fill the space that left the money, and flow the activity as it happens on Facebook, that is, stop moving based on money and start moving based on social activity.

Yeah, people flow where the money goes. Just look at the bandwagon of the trending page nonsense... lol.

oh heck, I'm lucky if I see 12 votes during the whole 7 days on a post, lol.
I think Steemit's pretty empty of people right now, so don't take it personally. The last couple of days has felt like a ghost town.

Even with the best of intentions, it's hard to look at everyone in our feeds, and upvote them all, every day. Maybe it's just the nature of the beast that is Steemit.

Yeah, it's pretty breezy in here :P I have a decent amount of post sin my feed, but probably less than 1/2 interest me. It doesn't take too long to go through it and look for things to support, at least for me.

Yes, I noticed that there seem to be less posts. Which is why I've been doing posts whenever I can, 'cause this is the time to be seen. :-)

Everything seems to be slowing way down. Once disappointed when a post didn't break 10 bucks now I have to reserve disappointment for when it doesn't break a buck. There just isn't a lot, if any money in it now. And like it or not, money is a prime motivator.

Yup, it's the main motivator for the platform. It's also why I even have people read and comment. Otherwise, I don't think I would get much engagement either ;P

I personally have throttled back on the high labor "how to" crafting blogs I have been doing. What used to be $30 worth of votes, which did somewhat compensate the labor, is now a tenth of that. Just too much labor for a couple bucks. But I will soldier on...just slower.

I recently heard about the idea to give everyone a free downvote a day that does not compete with the 10 upvotes.

That could help. I think that many people might be happy to delegate these downvotes to projects fighting spam or bidbots. Then it becomes less profitable and when there is a large number of downvotes around people may be more careful how they act.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah that's one way... but the downvote is so easily abused to hurt people... It's been done to me before there were bidbots and I was the #1 earner...

It is a bit depressing isn't it?!?

Getting the same predictable auto votes and 2 or 3 comments!

I've actually (finally!) got a couple of weeks coming up where I can sort out my auto voting and do a bit more manual voting!

Maybe this is linked to steem's continued decline in value...?

Posted using Partiko Android

Well it might. Who wants to be part of social media engagement when it's 1/2 autovoting and vote selling/buying... unless they also want to just make money which compensates for the lack of real activity ...

It's not exactly motivational! Seeing people getting any old post auto upvoted....

I think the numbers on here for the engagement rather than the money are relatively few?

Although almost certainly a higher proportion than it was before the drop off.

Taskmaster wrote an inteteresting post recently about how steem needs to become more like twitter/ insta/ pinterest to grow - a move to quick fire engagement rather than long form.

I think that's the way it's going... looser definition of 'engagement'

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, there has long been a push from the original blogging platform, to a crappy low-attention and low-effort fast-paced Twitter, instagram pinterest nonsense that never interested me. Blogging will die when it hardly gets rewarded for the work and value it provides compared to rewards for the quick and easy "content". Rewards matter, and there is no adequate metric being applied for work done to provide value.

All the platform are separate and tailor to certain things. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, instagram, pinterest, medium, etc. They aren't all jumbled together into one platform of content. Steem is too erratic and without a foundation for content direction. It's just whatever...

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