Looks Like Hardfork 19 is Scheduled for June 20th, 2017!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

( A screencap showing a commit to the STEEM code adding the Hardfork 19 date - github )

Excited to announce that it looks like the date set for Hardfork 19 has been set! The boys over at Steemit Inc have been busy getting the next version of the software ready to go and it looks like we're set to upgrade the networks software in a weeks time!

While I'm not 100% sure yet this will be the date it looks pretty promising given the commit pictured above. Hopefully this commit is accepted and we get new software running!

Assuming majority of witnesses switch their operating version of steemd to version 19 by the 20th of this month we'll be seeing a change in voting curve on the network. The flattening of the reward curve is something a large number of users and witnesses seem to back up.

Personally I'm going to start rolling out HF19 on my servers running STEEM wallets a bit later today and overnight. A bit of a process when you have more than a handful of servers to update but none the less I'm excited to see the STEEM network move forwards with updates.



What is hardfork?

A hardfork is when a new version of the STEEM software which runs Steemit.com and other sites is upgraded to make changes or add new features.

Collectively the witnesses must either accept the new software and upgrade as a whole or not update and give explanation as to why the stand against the proposed changes.

Oh, okay. That makes sense. Thank you!

In simplest terms it's a change of the software.

great question...... the answer not so easy. lol

Hardfork 19 eh?
Sounds like a porno flick

Should we all be scared of this mighty hardfork thee the founders talk about 😂😂😂

So there will be two steemits? Or what will really happen? With a simple words if possible...

No no no. We are doing software updates. Not a huge deal. :)

I thought that soft fork is basically upgrade, and hard fork is basically split of currency... Now Im confused again and dont understand these therms lol

Anyone have any idea or speculation on what the hardfork entail? Often times, hardfork is a bad word in the crypto world, but as we see this world grow more and more, hard forks are usually necessary.

Embrace the hardfork, do not resist!

Here hardfork means progress and on only 1 occasion have I seen a hardfork opposed.

Bitcoin or Clam or Ethereum?

Another milestone for the platform. Kudos for the admin

Thanks for the heads up on the hardfork! Following you now, your content looks interesting and informative!

It's sometimes educational sometimes crudely drawn art. :D

Flattening of the reward curve? I don't understand? What exactly will happen on the date of the hard-fork?

On the front end nothing much will change but the way post rewards are calculated is being tweaked in order to level the playing field out a bit from my understanding.

Also our 100% votes will be worth 4x what they are now.. I think..!

So new users can make a little more? I think that's great, as most probably leave out of frustration after seeing posts with thousands of dollars

It takes a while to become established and get a following here on Steemit.

Just keep posting and eventually you'll get noticed if the content is great. :)

Thanks but I didn't mean me. I'm working on it, step by step. I have seen a few angry posts of newcomers leaving because of said reason

It's been like that as long as I can remember to be honest. People seem to get envious when they see others being paid out large and their own posts making peanuts in comparison.

Eventually someone will address the issue of retaining users via automated voting of good content from new users but at the moment I don't have the time to propose or build the system. :/

My guess is they're looking for a get-rich-quick scheme

Hahahaha Yeah you may very well be correct!

But will lessen the no. of votes to cast and has option to lessen the percentage to maintain the same no. of voted authors. Am I right with this? Correct me pls if Im wrong.

I'm not entirely sure I follow you here. Sorry. :/

I think he asks about the number of votes available to one person and if that will change. I hope I'm not mistaken.

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