
What is more valuable… holding STEEM or STEEM DOLLARS?


STEEM just liquid, no interests, no appreciation in value. It even dilutes about 0.19% a day. Definitely you should not hold it, it only has transactive purpose. Buy it, sell it, convert it to STEEM POWER.

STEEM POWER power is for you if you want to be deeply invested in steem. It is not liquid, for example to convert all your STEEM POWER back to STEEM will take 2 years. But only holding STEEM POWER you can collect rewords that system will give you. If you vote for post, the more STEEM POWER you have, the bigger your reword for curating. System pays reword by inflation, for each STEEM created to pay rewords, 9 STEEM more created and goes to STEEM POWER holders. By voting and posting you will be payed from 10% of inflation, by just holding STEEM POWER you will be reworded from 90% of inflation.

STEEM DOLLARS is in the middle of these two. It has stability, its liquid. System pays you interest just for holding them. It's defensively better then USD.

There are so many factors to consider including the inflation rate of dollars.

In the short term Steem Dollars will pay 10% APR interest which is good by banking standards, but poor by crypto standards.

STEEM is created at a rate of 100% APR, 90% of which is given to those with STEEM Power. STEEM Power is just STEEM that has been locked up with a 2 year vesting schedule. All else being equal, the market cap of Steem must double every year for the value of 1 STEEM to remain flat. Holding Steem Power is the best way to make a long-term play because you are protected from dilution anytime less than 90% of all STEEM is held as Steem Power.

The value of Steem will fluctuate depending on supply/demand. A steam dollar will always be worth $1 usd +/- a percent or two. Two Steem are created every 2 seconds. Not sure of the overall supply but I do believe it will be higher than $5.

So youre saying STEEM will never reach 5 dollar levels?

STEEM POWER is my only option ?

STEEM has no value?

Im still very confused about this entire platform. But I LOVE it. I just wish they made a video for people new to this kind of stuff.

No one knows how much steem will be worth. It could be $5.
STEEM is STEEM POWER then it on exchange.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.12
JST 0.027
BTC 64807.94
ETH 3507.27
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.37