Upvotes as Tips, Community Service

in #steem8 years ago

Hiking home, in Egham UK, I found a plastic bag on the sidewalk. I always pick up trash if I can while traveling. I found several other cans, crisp packets, bottles and put them in the bag. I looked a bit silly walking down the road holding a dirty old bag at arms length, but maybe some of the cars going past would see me, I thought, and do the same one day (or just not throw out their non-decomposing trash).

Today I thought "WHOA" what if each community around the world could see what services people were spontaneously providing and then upvote their activity? Just another use case for Steem. 

We live in an interconnected world and I'd happily give someone a couple cents for rescuing a bird in Spain, giving directions or water at a festival in Rio, playing a piano beautifully for a crowd of dispirited and delayed travellers in Johannesburg (OR Tambo) airport. 

Could streets of india be sparkling clean and the beaches of Thailand be largely free of straws harming the marine life so severely? What if thousands, millions, of people all over the world were suddenly incentivized to contribute positively in whatever situation they could see? 


...then the world would be an amazing place...

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