
Why be on Facebook, Reddit, YouTube or Twitter? That's the idea of this platform. It's something that you probably already do, but since what you're doing creates value, even by just passively consuming content, why shouldn't you also be paid for it? In my opinion, the incentive structure that most closely mimics that of the incentive structures on regular social media will yield the most use of the platform and the most users. There are reasons people gravitate to those other social media sites and I don't think we should ignore that. Paying attention to this and acting accordingly will translate into prosperity for everyone. If we're spending our time on here trying to game the system, or on the flip side, prevent others from gaming it to foster "worthy content" then the whole thing becomes a chore, which in turn considerably narrows the potential user base. In short, it should be fun that you get paid for. I'm assuming most people don't want to make it their job to socialize on the internet.

In theory you can argue like this, but Steemit is an 2 year old experiment and the data suggests otherwise.

the incentive to be on all the platforms you suggest are already established trough a process that looks a lot like the one we are discussing here. Facebook has billions of user among them your friends. Twitter might be good for your business or your political career, if you are a musician you post on Youtube etc. So why go to Steemit a place with uncensored racists, lefties, pornstars? You can get that + privacy on Diaspora.

Putting money into a system changes it. You can't forget that they are there, you can't forget that you used 2 hours on what you yourself consider a killer-post, but only earned 0.09$ and the other guy earns 350$ on crap content. Look around. So many posts made by actual persons are about this.

Steemit has become some kind of blogging platform. Not because it was the intention, Ned and the guys wanted it to be the new Facebook, but introducing money just made it another thing. Asking people to change behaviour will never work. Incentives work and if you want the ship to sail at another course you have to change the incentives.

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