in #steem6 years ago (edited)


Me: Hey! Come join this awesome site called Steemit! You can make money blogging!

Friend: Sounds great! How do I sign up!?

Me: Just go to this website, buy some Bitcoin and convert it to Steem, and then make a transaction to pay for your account creation cost. After that, you still won’t be able to post because you need SP, mana, and resource credits. To get those you’ll need to pay some more money. You have to first buy some other cryptocurrency again, though, and convert it to Steem!

Friend: Wait, I have to pay??? And...I don’t know shit about Bitcoin or any of that.

Me: Oh, no, no. You only pay if you want to post, comment, or like other people’s posts! You’ll have to download a Bitcoin wallet to get your Steem account—which is like a Steem wallet—started.

Friend: But...

Me: Once you start earning Steem, SP, and SBD—those are basically the same thing but very different—you’ll have more power and can transact. To do that you’ll have to first pay to blog so that your blog can earn.


How is this not a giant pyramid scam?


Hahahahahaha, the conversation sounds funny though but that question should be left for Ned to answer

:) Why should one have to go to Ned for an answer? I feel like that is the essence of the entire problem, here.

It is really a huge problem. I was kidding about going to Ned. I am now counting the numbers of comments I make now, so I don't run out of Mana. I checked my account on steemd.com and I was like wow, this can't br happening.

I hear you man. It's a big mess right now.

I just came here to post a comment and ask about that mana thing. I did three
things this morning, and I'm drained past half-way. This is insane... Is this just the new system or is this something that will fix as it stabilizes?

I hope so. I'm really not sure, Ben. This whole thing was so half-baked and disorganized that I am feeling pretty disillusioned with Steemit right now.

I was going to try and make a push to get back on more regularly, but now it's just kind of, meh... @snubbermike it does seem to be regenerating a little quicker.

Well so far, it is only getting more expensive to comment/vote/etc

Last night (morning here) it was 10billion RC to comment. This morning it is over 13billion RC to comment

But it is also regenerating very quickly for me.

Does it regenerate quicker if you have more SP?

Seeing as you put it like that...

😂 😂 😂

It's gonna make 'banter' less attractive, if we pay for every comment, that's or sure.
How would we have ever got to hate love each other, if it wasn't for the back and forth banter?

....Hopefully it works out differently than how I envisage now, and I have misunderstood it.

Can't comment much - powering up lol.
(do they charge by number of letters typed?- I'll keep it short - just in case!)
😂 😂 😂

I also feel really sorry for anyone who just started recently. Really hoping this gets turned around.

If it wasn’t so ridiculous it could be almost funny. Why should anybody not insane be interested in joying here right now?
I doubt anybody will be there to answer this question

Ha-ha saw this two days ago and was like NICE!
Finally can comment on it, well at least its slightly less ponzi looking again.

I dunno. No free signups unless you want to be able to do zero interaction.

I'm not sure how much power the hardforked accounts have actually, haven't seen any data on it. What I am thinking of were the 6 SP delegated accounts at present.

I agree with you though new users are what matter in this situation and if they can interact at all at present with steemit.

It'll stabilise. The system is just working out how much mana to charge for each transaction.
Like any price discovery, it starts high and works itself down until it reaches a reasonable equilibrium.
Give it another day or two.
As to onboarding; they can head to my affiliate link here... https://steemmonsters.com/?ref=mattclarke
Whip out the credit card, and get a Steem account and starter pack for US$10

Yep. And then you still can’t post. This hardfork was BS man, from almost all rational standpoints. Terrible implementation, and the market almost unanimously agrees.

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