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RE: Don't let the Sun, go down on me

in #steem4 years ago

be there or clearly don't give a shit about all you've stolen/shit-posted/worked for, for the past 4 years.

Yeah, I’m sure they will be answering the tough questions lol.

It will be a shill fest.. I’m sure some of our most famous steemians will be there to make it hurt less.. their shilling is already Tron level anyways.

The Tron social network will be successful, it won’t be decentralized.. censorship resistant or much else, but it will be successful .. content creators will be fine.

All that STEEM we have been hodling.. meh.. probably not.


You will be there Justine, I just know it :P

Tomorrow? No.. actually a busy day for me and the last thing I want to hear is Justin shill and Ned mumble about how great this is.

Be sure to update me with the key points though! ❤️

I will write the key points all over my abs and send you a photo.

Wahooo 🙌🏼

Justin loves me yes I know, ...

Don't worry... That's what was missing long, long time... PROMOTIONS.... The Tron guys are specialists on it... Can't be better for Steem...

Posted using Partiko Android

*be good for Tron

And yes, you will be very happy there

This is the potential upside. Steemit inc and the community have failed at promoting Steem imo, lets see what a ray of sunshine and a fat wallet can do.

But he won’t be promoting STEEM 😂 wby does no one get this?

sTron(g) tokens?

"...their shilling is already Tron level anyways."

I'm stunned...STUNNED...that you could say that.

I always thought you were on their side. You could knock me over with a feather right now.

Glad to hear it.

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