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RE: From Bitcoin bubble to STEEM breeze by Craig Grant (STEEM report) - August 15, 2016

in #steem8 years ago

Its always good listening to your thoughts craig. Its helpful to step back sometimes and get a non bias perspective on things as its all to easy to get lost in the bubble sometimes. Im not sure if your right or wrong but inside us all is two points of view. The upside and the flip side always has to be considered in everything we do. Some people say trading is gambling and like yeah i suppose it is but then everything in life is a gamble in my eyes and when we get stuck on a particular logic we tend to look for information that backs up our our thoughts and dis-miss anything which goes against it. This is why i enjoy your blog videos because it always challenges my own thoughts and helps make me step outside my own bubble for a while and into another. :)


I like your words :)

To jphamer1
Nice feed and exactly! Everything we do in life is basically a gamble. But! when it comes to 'trading the markets'(which I do by the way hence-TradZ), It's only gambling IF you don't know what your doing Or what to look for! " 'TradZ' is the name 'Trades' is tha game ":)

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