Yesterday, I visited the Jongno Center, the first educational center of Atomy.

in #steemlast year

I had always wanted to visit the Atomy Jongno Center. First of all, it is the first center that comes to mind when people talk about Atomy centers. I was also curious about its scale, as I had heard that it was very large. I also wanted to see how the offices and classrooms were arranged and operated, as it is a united center.

I always think about building a new building or opening a new center. I wanted to see it in advance so that I could draw a picture in my head and prepare for it. I thought that it would be better to see it in advance, as a center with high utilization could produce many successful people.

When I actually went there, the scale was enormous.


The speaker is a member of the Atomy direct sales company. They have always wanted to visit the Atomy Jongno Center, the company's first educational center. They are curious about its scale and how it is operated.

The speaker is also thinking about building a new building or opening a new center. They wanted to see the Atomy Jongno Center in advance to get ideas for their own center.

When the speaker actually visited the Atomy Jongno Center, they were amazed by its scale.

Additional details:

The speaker mentions that the Atomy Jongno Center is the home of many successful Atomy members.
The speaker also mentions that the Atomy Jongno Center is a united center, which means that it is home to members from all over the world.

The speaker is impressed by the Atomy Jongno Center. They believe that it is a great model for their own center.

I thought the National Restaurant building was taller than I remembered.

The Atomy United Education Center was also 8 floors, not 2.
It looked very spacious, using the entire 8 floors.
At first, I was surprised by the scale.

Of course, it is not comparable to the training center held by the Atomy headquarters, but it seems that it will not be easy to find a training center of this scale in the future.
Of course, it is possible because it is a united center where multiple centers are located together, but it seems difficult for warm humanity to come out.**


The speaker is describing their visit to the Atomy United Education Center in Seoul, South Korea. The speaker was surprised by the scale of the center, which is located in the National Restaurant building. The center is 8 floors tall and occupies the entire building.

The speaker also mentions that the center is not as impressive as the training center held by the Atomy headquarters. However, the speaker believes that it is still a very impressive facility.

Additional details:

The speaker mentions that they were surprised by the height of the National Restaurant building. They had remembered the building as being smaller.
The speaker also mentions that the Atomy United Education Center is very spacious. It is possible to fit a large number of people in the center.
The speaker believes that it will be difficult to find a training center of this scale in the future. The center is a united center, which means that it is shared by multiple centers. This allows the center to be larger and more efficient.
The speaker also mentions that the center may not be as warm and inviting as a smaller center. This is because the center is so large and impersonal.
Because it is a united education center, the 400-seat seats are always insufficient, and if you do not receive a seat ticket by reservation, you cannot attend.

My group, including me, did not reserve the seats in advance, so we sat down in advance and were eventually pushed out by the owner of the seat.

In the middle, there is a large training room, and on the opposite side, a 150-seat training room is visible.

In the center of the building, there are corridors on both sides of the corridor and on the south side, and there are various centers on the left and right.

I actually had the thought of meeting Lee Dae-Woong Royal, the son of Emperor Lee Deok-woo, as well as the reason mentioned in the beginning.

His office is at the end of the corridor on the south side, but he said he was before going to work.

I became interested in Atomy after watching his YouTube.

He said that his family discussed putting him in a mental hospital to stop his father's multi-level marketing business, and finally went to the Jongno Center to stay and eat for 6 months to persuade his father.

While listening to the education casually, I was attracted to something, and in the end, instead of stopping my father, I thought that if I didn't do Atomy, it would be stupid, and if I didn't succeed, it would be a miracle, so I didn't try to stop my father's Atomy. He said he decided to do it himself.

I saw his YouTube video, which was sent by the then headquarters director, Kang Sung-soon Royal, and on the Chuseok holiday three years ago, I watched it for three days without sleeping, and I was convinced and decided to do something with Atomy.

Of course, I had joined before, but it was casual, and I wasn't interested in it, but I would help if I asked for help.

But Atomy wasn't like that.

I think it's true that if you don't do it, you're stupid, and if you don't succeed, it's a miracle, as the son of Emperor Lee Deok-woo said.

So, I work hard at Atomy.

I do everything I can for the success of my partners.

However, I am saddened to think that the people who really recognize it, the people who are really blessed, are fewer than my parents.

It's really something you can be sure of success.

Anyway, I had a good time at the Atomy Jongno United Education Center.

Thank you.




The speaker is a member of the Atomy direct sales company. They recently visited the Atomy Jongno United Education Center in Seoul, South Korea.

The speaker was impressed by the scale of the center, which is located in the National Restaurant building. The center is 8 floors tall and occupies the entire building.

The speaker also mentions that they were surprised by the popularity of the center. The speaker and their group were unable to attend a training session because the seats were all taken.

The speaker was also interested in meeting Lee Dae-Woong Royal, the son of Emperor Lee Deok-woo, the founder of Atomy. Lee Dae-Woong is a successful Atomy member who has shared his story on YouTube.

The speaker was inspired by Lee Dae-woong's story. They believe that Atomy is a great opportunity for success.

However, the speaker is also frustrated by the fact that not everyone is interested in Atomy. The speaker believes that Atomy is a surefire way to success, but they are disappointed that not everyone is willing to see it.

The speaker concludes by expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to visit the Atomy Jongno United Education Center.

Additional details:

The speaker mentions that they were interested in Atomy before visiting the Jongno Center, but they were not as interested as they are now.
The speaker believes that the success of Atomy is due to the company's products and business model.
The speaker is also impressed by the company's culture and values.
The speaker is committed to helping others succeed in Atomy.

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