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RE: I Give Up.

in #steem7 years ago

Thanks for the mention cristof, but you'd think a post like this would garner you at least a whale or dolphin vote for what you bring to the site day and day out. I know your view on this so don't say it - let me emote. I'm so tired of pity votes for people who claim to be in need and who subsequently get big rewards. I absolutely refuse to be part of that and I seem to have lost a few good friends on here who are all into that and whom I cannot and will no longer support. We need to be moire discerning as a site and more responsible. Pay people for content - there's enough subjectivity there - but there's no way of vetting scammers and weeding out the really needy from the pretenders -and that's not possible anyway. So, I think you deserve a bigger share of the pie, so, why not do what everyone else is into? Instead of investing in SP, take a few Steem and run a contest LOL!!


Thought about it. Honestly, I don't have the time. I'm a working writer--I've got contracts to deliver on--and, well the details don't matter. It would be great to get a larger slice of the pie. I feel like I've already got such a huge slice of it that it's not terribly disappointing that I don't have a big one here. I wouldn't trade any of the other blessings for more of them on Steemit.

I love the contest idea, even participated in a few, without much effect. I'm trying to win a different game, and playing this one at a low level, all I feel I can spare. I'm grateful beyond words for your support. Your votes are singlehandedly dragging me up the reputation scale. I won't forget it.

honestly cristof, you only owe a debt to the truth, and the truth is, you deserve better. There I said again, and yes, I do feel better LOL!

Thank you. Deserve has nothing to do with it. There is only what's on the chessboard. Play better, and don't complain, is what my long-ago coach would say.

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