in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I was recently talking to a friend and we were discussing whether or not we believe that Steem will drop below a dollar.

This was a little while back and it was at around $1.75 and was fluctuating a little up and down. I vehemently defended the fact that I didn't think it would ever go below a dollar.

Fast forwards to today. Steem is JUST over a dollar, and has been low for a while. I no longer think it's impossible, and quite frankly, I believe it more then likely will go below a dollar....a hold there for a bit.


Sure it's a bit depressing and feels like this at times....


But on the bright side, if you are investing in Steem, WOW, what a great time to buy.

Also if investing's not your bag and you just enjoy the platform and the community, look at it this way. For every little bit of Steem, SP or SBD that you earn now, will be worth a lot more, once the price goes back up.

Another bonus, you can more easily figure out who is here for the long haul. How do you do that? Simple go check out the people you follow, the short term people won't be posting any more.

Yes, while some of them are truthfully busy with their lives, if someone hasn't posted upvoted or commented at all in the last month or so, you can probably feel PRETTY safe making the bet they are a short termer. I have unfollowed all the short term folks under my list, and with the coming possibility of UA, I would suggest you do also. Not, only that, but I value genuine people with an interest in being here for the community. Not those that are here ONLY for a quick grab of cash.

So I hope this Steem downturn hasn't turned you off. And if so, I ask that you please stick with it. Keeping growing the community and helping one another. We'll all come through this in the end...and be that much stronger for muscling through the low times.

And those who chose to leave us, just because things dipped...well when(or if) they do rejoin us, they will be looking up to us and amazed at how well we are doing.

I send all my love out to all you great Steemians out there. I am here to help, should you need me....just call on me.

Source of both gifs-


Well said John, I have high hopes for the future.

As do I. One of my beliefs if that in 8 to 11 years, Steem will be at around $500. I think that's a conservative number. I look forward to it. 😀

All these thoughts have crossed my mind! Ermm..well except the thought that Steem will dip below $1.
I really believe that Steem will rise back up and that the little we have will mean much more then.
Thanks for the good write up @johndoer123.

Either way, it matters little to me, the price. It makes it tough for me to convince people to join, but not much more. Also you do have discord don't you?

It often takes ones determination and interest to join and stay.
Yes, I do have discord.

I'm johndoer123 #2322. Do you know how to DM me?

Okay! I just did.

Absolutely you are right. Its true that steem price has fallen drastically however it is a great opportunity for investors to buy more steem and withhold.

Only the eyes of the future can see this.

Good to see you. And I'm glad to hear it sounds like you'll be sticking it out with us. We will all grow together. Slowly but surely. ☺️ Thanks for stopping by.

Yeah @johndoer123. I did finish my typing before the network cut me short. But I have completed it now.

Have a great day.

I like your attitude. I'm holding on for the community aspects and in the meantime my little account has time to grow. It's not so much about the value but a bit of a personal challenge for me.

I'm glad that you're sticking around... especially because it's for the community, and because you like to challenge yourself. Just never give up, and if you start to feel like you're going to, let me know, and I'll do my best to convince you otherwise. ☺️ Thanks for stopping by friend.

you are very right sir, what nice thinking you have. yes, it's true that we began to depress about but in the other hand we are still enjoying here, writing, talking with some friends. if they choose to leave it will be their lost because as we know enjoyment can't be buy by money easily, what would you rather choose if you enjoying here in steemit with free and with little rewards you'll get it's still fine. but i can't deny that it made me sad, well not all the time we'll be happy, like a cycle. you smiled before so you'll be sad now but don't worry later you will not just found yourself smilling but also laughing out loud, same goes for you sir, stay still and everything will be alright with your son. god bless

Posted using Partiko Android

Very good words. Thank you. I really appreciate the encouragement.

In my thoughts I always consider the dollar point as the threshold or support level. I can't imagine seeing Steem ever again below $1 but it's possible though

Yeah, as much as I hope it doesn't happen, I have to keep ii in the front of my mind that it may, so I'm ready for it...just in case. I hope for the best, but expect the worst. So I'm not surprised.

Thanks for the jolt of optimism. I needed that.

I think I did too. I've been having a couple issues outside here, and writing this helped me. I am so glad that it also did some good for others as well. We all need to be here for each other. And of course you are welcome. ☺️

I share your thinking.
Steem is going to fluctuate up and down. Sometimes up, sometimes down. I am not concern about it at all. I am here for the long haul.
As you rightly pointed out, it is a good time to buy, if people want to invest. Otherwise, just keep accumulating what little we can. They will become much when Steem goes up.

Glad we're on the same boat. I'll take as many friends as would like to hand around. I don't believe we've met before, so hello, dear friend. I am happy to meet you. Stick around and we'll GROW together.

Hello John. Is it okay if I call you John or do you prefer @johndoer123? No, we haven't met before. But I believe we have mutual friends. I am pleased to hear you call me a friend. You sound like a nice gentleman.:-) And I like the idea of sticking around and grow together. So, see you around. Have a great day!

Of course "John" is fine. I appreciate you asking. And I don't know if I would necessarily call myself a gentleman. 😀 Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great day! Mind if I ask where your from?

I am from Singapore. At the moment I am in Benalmadena, Malaga, Spain for holidays. Going back tomorrow, back to reality. :-(

What is UA? Hero Academia?

User authority dear friend. It will be a system that uses our actions here, our followers and who we follow(possibly with some other metrics) to assign a number to our account. It may or may not be implemented. No one knows for sure yet. But I'm betting it will be. They say it will help separate the people from the bots and give us a better feel for who each person is. I hope this helps. Here is a link to a buddy of mine, Asher's, post on it. Enjoy, and I hope you have a great day.

I think I'll stick here on #steemit regardless of the value of sbd and steem.

As will I, because of all the great people here like you.

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