RE: Truth and fairness vs popularity. What to do when a post that says another post is wrong and gets more reward than the original post, which was the one that is correct?
I think the confusion is that vests are a compounding entity, so by denominating your thinking in vests, the compounding is absent in terms of vests, even though the compounding still exists.
and as far as activity being required disqualifying something from being compounding or not, it really is dependent on what activity. For example, a lot of banks simply close inactive accounts and if you dont proactively do something all your compound interest and even principal is lost. Does that make it that there is no compound interest?
And really, what activity is needed to obtain the benefits of compounding? Basically what you would be doing anyway, so it does not seem like any onerous activity requirement that negates the compounding.
I read a post today where people were downvoting the makeup video as they felt it was getting too much. Spam is downvoted, plagiarism is. But this case is very close to the borderline and I am not sure if I should downvote it or not. Not because I am not sure if it is wrong or not, just not sure if it is an infraction that it got some whales to upvote for it and that the original post got a lot less
well bacchist made my decision much easier as he downvoted this post!?!?
That pushed me over to the downvote side as I have not done anything in this post to warrant being downvoted, other than disagree with bacchist. Here comes my first downvoting of a blog post
well it was anticlimactic as the total went down by $2, still it is the principal of this
I can't believe he downvoted your blog post. He is going to turn Streemit into a flame war clusterfuck.
He can't provide a cogent rebuttal, so he resorts to dirty tactics.
And his accomplice tie-warutho who keeps downvoting the truth.
Did you mean to say is not a compounding entity?
To me, the only way for compounding to still exist is if we assume the market demand for STEEM keeps up with the inflation rate of STEEM. That, to me, is a really big assumption which doesn't really add a lot to the discussion, IMO. I think investors in the market will figure out how to properly price STEEM as the demand by those who want to power up becomes known given a user adoption rate along with the number of people divesting their shares to sell.
You make a good point about the activity involved shouldn't be excluded from a concept of interest. I just hadn't been thinking along those lines at all.
As to why some people are downvoting? I don't know. We'll leave that for them to discuss, I guess.
If you have a seed for a tree and you plant it and do what is needed to make sure it doesnt die, you have exactly 1 tree, regardless of how big it grows. But at some point the tree will make more trees. So let's call a seed a compounding entity.
If you have 1 seed and you talk about 1 tree, then the number of trees has not grown (until it spawns more trees), so there is no compounding of the number of trees, just its mass.
Not a perfect analogy, but the vests are like the seed for a tree. If you dont plant it, dont nurture it, you still have the seed, but you will only have one seed. still it can always grow into a tree.
So if to change the coordinate system where each unit represents a compounding entity, you can pretend it isnt compounding as the numbers stay the same. However look at all the contortions you need to do in order to claim that SP doesnt compound.
If we are parsing at the level of what is the meaning of the word "is", then bad is good and good is bad and SP doesnt compound, even though it does