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RE: Complete guide to understand rewards in HF21 [Part 1]

in #steem5 years ago

We just want to know how it affects us.

I will try to give a simpler version:


In HF20, 75% of the inflation goes to the reward pool. In HF21, 65% goes to the reward pool and 10% to steem proposals. Then there is a general reduction of content rewards but the community benefits from the work done in the proposals.


In HF20, 75% of the reward pool goes to the author, and 25% to curators. In HF21 is 50/50, meaning that you as curator will get more rewards, but if you are the author you get less. This is to incentive curation.

New curve

Take a screenshot of the payout of the current posts. Payout refering to the total (author + curators). Now lets compare them with the payouts in HF21, and also how it will change the author and curation rewards due to 50/50:

HF20HF21Total reductionAuthor reductionCurators increase
1 steem0.52 steem48%65%5%
5 steem3.2 steem36%57%28%
10 steem7.2 steem28%52%44%
50 steem44 steem12%41%76%
100 steem92 steem8%39%84%
500 steem477 steem5%36%91%
1000 steem958 steem4%36%92%

All posts get less (due the steem proposals), but the reduction is less in higher posts than in lower posts. The reason behind this rule is to reduce the micro self voting made by some whales (self votes, poor content, at low level distributed in several accounts difficult to find and downvote).

The disadvantage is that minnows are affected. Take the example of 5 steem: In HF20 the distribution is 3.75 to the author and 1.25 to curators. In HF21 the total payout is 3.2 steem (a reduction of 36%), half goes to the author, half to curators. Then the author will see a reduction of 57%, from 3.75 to 1.6. On the other hand, curators will see an increase of 28%, from 1.25 to 1.6 steem.


In HF20 there is only one voting power (used for upvote and downvote). In HF21 this voting power is the same, but there is a second one only used for downvotes, and it's capacity is 25% of the principal one. This is to incentive the use of downvotes and help to reduce abuses.

My Conclusions

So, answering your question, these are my conclusions:

If you areThen
AuthorYou will get less rewards. The reduction varies from 36% to 65% depending on whether you are trending or not.
CuratorYou will get more rewards. This increase varies from 5% to 92%.
DeveloperYou can develop and get paid using the proposal system
ContributorIf you do marketing or have good ideas you can present proposals and get paid by doing them
Abuse from rewardsBe careful, there are more downvotes available. Concentrate your power in less posts.
Bidbot ownerThere will be a reduction of vote prices, but it is compensated with more rewards as curator. Pay to delegators from the curation.

Top Quality comment @jga !

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