
Apologise, Free float is the amount of (in this case) Steem that is actually tradable. So, the market cap is currently made up of 100m Steem, however only 1.3m are tradable, the rest (98.7m) are 'powered up' into Steem Power.

When there is such a small 'free float', value can get very far from reality when there is a large amount of individuals competing to buy a small amount of shares. IF 98% of Steem was tradable, the price would be nowhere near the current $4 price tag. It would be well below a $1. Many people started on this platform 4 weeks ago, have created average content and have Steem Power 'worth' well over $10,000 today...

got it! so there is a chance of people's expectations being upset in the future...? Chances are that this platform get much much more popular in the short to medium term

It's could become a self fulfilling prophesy for sure, the platform become more valuable, payouts become bigger, more users come, and the circle continues. I probably should have been more clear that my 'Opinion' is that people should work for the Steem, not buy it. In many respects, it great for the platform in the short term. Although, could be bad if people lose money (if ever) the price comes off to where I believe true value is now...

Everything can be a simple man that can not only realize

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