Two months of using D.Tube and Steemit...Thoughts and Reflections.

in #steem6 years ago


So when I first started using these platforms I was rather skeptical about the validity of them bringing some sort of balance between what I wanted to share and having some sort of meaningful return from sharing beyond the 'fix' of a little dopamine.

Since beginning my D.Tube/Steemit journey I have continually marveled at the community that I have found myself in and the genuine people that are not just seeking the same/similar things but who are actually trying to share (and engage) in a meaningful way that does not have some elusive 'gain' as their 'end game'.

I have often felt alienated in life and as odd as it is to think I have found the 'fringe of the fringe' that is for better or worse the 'crowd' in which I do not feel all so alienated from.

Perhaps I am romanticizing things and perhaps I am just seeing a glimmer of hope where I want to see it but nonetheless I think that there is just something astounding about this decentralized and uncensored frontier of the 'internet' that we are all exploring together.

The meaningful connections with other humans on these platforms has vastly improved my attitude and helped me begin pulling myself out of the 'rut' that I had previously found myself within as I kept pouring myself into the things I was sharing on other platforms where at the end of each day I just felt a little more hollow than the day before. In other words I felt as if that each time I shared a piece of 'me' that I was also somehow losing (giving up) some vital piece of myself to the profits of this or that mega-corporation that not just did not give a shit about me but would also exploit my content (and data) for their own profit at every available turn and reward me with only a little dopamine, exploitation, censorship...or all three. The thing is (in my not so humble opinion) is That particular model of exploitation of content creators is failing and each day it is being revealed more and more as the sham/scam that it is.

I am a rather pragmatic person and honestly do not give two shits about governments, politics, religions or any number of divisions that are crammed down the throats of individuals in an effort to coerce or control how they live their lives or the choices they make and although I honor these things as valuable and legitimate parts of peoples world view...I wholly choose not to participate in being 'boxed in' by such linear thinking because I personally believe that the world (life) is a much richer experience than those things can ever define and I would much rather make up my own mind about 'life' based wholly on my experiences, raw sensory data and empirical evidence imparted to me by my own all that said I am glad to have found here some other human beings that also think for themselves because let's face it...the 'world' as it is force fed to us is rather cold, alienating and actually devoid of meaning.

In closing I would like to say a big Thank You to all of my fellow Dtubers and Steemians and I hope that (in the words of one of my favorite authors) you have 'long days and pleasant nights'.


Good words, well said. Thanks for sharing :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you and you are welcome. I had been wanting to share my thoughts about the last two months and was sort of pleasantly surprised that this is what came out. :)

Awesome post. You exspress yourself well in writing....

I love it when trying to write something and the words come out without having to think about it. Your writing is always honest and true to who you are. Follow your dream.

Thanks and indeed! I will continue to follow my dreams forever and always!

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