Steem Suggestion: A Minimum Balance to Upvote/Post + Changing Reward CurvesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Lets be honest. Steemit is not perfect. To be honest it probably never will be. But thats ok are job as users is to contribute to the platform as much as possible to make it the best user experience possible...

The suggestion of a "Minimum Balance" is to deal with a scaling issue... When steemit gets popular (which it will... trust me) the platform is going to be overwhelmed with spam/bot accounts like twitter & facebook are (bots are already a problem on steemit).. How do we eliminate this from disrupting the platform? You create a minimum buy-in to eliminate "ghost" accounts... This would also make steem more valuable to because people would have throw down an ante in order to play the game...
Say the minimum buy-in was $250- $500 (just for example) ...that is extremely affordable and easy for every user... If a user wanted more then 1 account they would have to buy more steem... Which is fair because to be honest everyone should be limited to 1 account.. This is more sensible then SMS verification which can be bi-passed easily...

This also allows the opportunity to change the rewards curve.. because everyone would have to have a minimum balance (which restricts them from having more then one account) they couldnt take advantage of the rewards curve by making a ton of accounts... Also, you could actually make the buy-in based on "steem" rather then "usds" this would keep the buy-in low for people that jump on now rather then later...

People wouldn't need a minimum balance to make an account but they would to upvote, comment, and post.... This provides steemit with a solution for a scaling issue. "Ghost accounts" are the one major flaw that doesnt allow us to change the reward curve and also lets be honest bot votes piss everyone off... You shouldnt get paid to run a bot you get paid to "curate" if you want to run a bot so be it but it should only be with 1 account and you should have to buy some steem inorder to do so.... Let me know your thoughts!!12623-robot-picture-702x336.jpg


I agree, it's not quite fair. When one person has several dozen bots and they per second upvote a lot of posts. And real people like me, who reads the whole post before voting, it spends a lot of time, and what is the result? 0.026 STEEM Power for a week of curation. :Facepalm: Of course, I dont want to read the articles, I want to have 100 bots.

Minimum Balance is no big Problem for bots.

"Say the minimum buy-in was $250- $500 (just for example) ...that is extremely affordable and easy for every user"

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