The Left Roof, A Walk through the Mysterious World, Chapter 1, Episode 2

in #steem6 years ago (edited)


Episode 1

After Alfred saves the worker from Light Poll...

8:30 a.m. at FIECC
The Fi Electro-Chemical Corp. building is one of Kansas City’s tallest, and it doesn’t go unnoticed so easily amongst many of the city’s great skyline towers. Leebrian and Sijjael are conversing with each other in their office chambers. The head of FIECC, Leebrian, is unlike any ordinary CEO of a company. The man can forgive anything and anyone but cannot forgive a person that has bad intentions to degrade his business. On the other hand, Sijjael is a kind of woman equipped with the deadly combination of both beauty and brains. The woman can never think of losing even a cent from her treasured savings.

"When are you going to start your research in that old house of yours?" Leebrian asked.

"Darling, you’re aware that we have put a restraining order on that house." with smile Sijjael replied. "Even Uthen has filed a case with it. Once we win the case, which we are almost on the verge of winning, I’ll then resume my research."

"You’ve been singing the same song for the last eight years. You even said that our company would attain the highest growth in profits once we have that chemical in our possession. Forget about the chemical. You haven’t even managed to win the case. Have you forgotten that with that chemical, we can break the barriers of the values of infinity and seek control over infinity that even the greatest scientists tried to decipher and have met death instead? You said that David Filip’s chemical could do that."

"You’re barking at me unnecessarily. If there is one person on this Earth who is totally concerned all about that chemical, it is me. Even I wish to see the world’s end being immortal!"

"That’s all right, darling! I can’t wait anymore! I need that chemical as soon as possible and at any cost. And as per your latest update, David disappeared somewhere. Maybe he was successful in his experiment with that chemical, which might have made him enter the world of infinity."

"Any mysterious thing can happen in this world, darling!" she laughed.

At DCL’s main office
"How long will it take for you to prepare that chemical? When are you going to deliver it to me? You’ve taken enough time, and how much longer do you want me to wait for it?" Uthen said furiously over the phone.

At Alfred’s school
Alfred manages to reach School by 8 a.m. and walks into the library. He sits at the nearby table and starts reading a book. A mild breeze of chilly air flows towards him from the nearby window, which makes him feel cold and uneasy to concentrate on reading the book. He sees fat and a large-bodied young man sleeping near the open window. Alfred calls out to him to close the window, but the guy hardly pays any attention to his request. As Alfred gets up from his chair to close the window, the window slams shut by itself.
Witnessing this unnatural act, Alfred questions himself, What the hell is happening around me?
Just then, a slim and short-looking young person called out to Alfred.

"Hey, Alfred, the assignment that you gave me to finish, I haven’t completed it yet. Forget yours. I haven’t even started mine! I’m worried as to how Mr Dodge would react. I’m a sorry man! I took off to India for my cousin’s wedding. What do we do now? We do not have enough time left as college reopens five days from now."

"We got to do something," said Alfred.

"Yeah, of course, we got to do something!" Khushahal said with a laugh.

"What do you mean?"

"What I intended to say is that we collect old students’ assignment files and stick our names over theirs, and we claim that our assignments have already been checked and duly signed."

"Wow! What a fantastic idea!" Alfred said. "I don’t know how you Indians come up with such strange and stupid ideas. I appreciate your great thinking. But Mr Dodge hasn’t checked any of our assignments yet. I feel worse that we have to work on our assignments from scratch. I want you to come down to my house, and we will start working on it tonight."

7 p.m. at Leebrian’s house
Sijjael speaking with someone over the phone. "I haven’t told Leebrian that the chemical is almost prepared. . . Yeah, though I know that it has reached its final stage. . . Yes, he’ll be writing the power of attorney on my name. And once I have the control of the POA, you just go ahead and take over everything under your control. All right, Leebrian is approaching. I’ll speak to you later then."

5 p.m. at Alfred’s house
Alfred talking with Khushahal over the phone. "Hey, buddy, how long will it take for you to get here? I’ve got hold of the main object based on our assignment’s research. Please come soon. We have a lot of work to do."
As the call ends, Alfred hears a similar voice from the phone. 'Hey, Alfred, dear Alfred. How are you doing, son?’ Alfred realises that the call hasn’t ended yet, so he tries with all his might to stop the call, but some unseen force prevents him from doing so. And just then, he receives a call from Khushahal.

"Hey, Alfred, I just can’t come right now. It’ll take one more hour for me. Because my dad’s company is going to launch a new tire today, and it is important for me to be in the inauguration. So I’m going there!" The call ends, and Alfred listens to the strange voice once again. Alfred throws the phone away, but it floats in the air mysteriously for a few seconds and then drops down to his bed.
There is some unseen force trying to make contact with Alfred, but he doesn’t seem to understand that.
He called Uthen and said, "Dad, you got to come here fast. I’m scared. There is something weird going on here."

7 p.m.
The doctor examines Alfred as Uthen watches. Salvia is standing nearby, holding a glass of water.
Just then, Uthen receives a phone call.
"What did you tell him? You’re aware that the chemical is in its final stage, right? Oh, okay, all right." He said over the phone.
After completing the call, Uthen asks the doctor, "What happened to my son? Why’s he feeling depressed a lot nowadays?"

"What happened Alfred? Are your worried about your studies?" Doctor asked Alfred.

"Yeah, maybe? The thing is that I haven’t finished my school assignment yet." He replied.

"Oh, now I understand. There’s nothing to worry about, Mr Uthen. I’ve kept the pills here. Alfred needs to take them promptly." The doctor said, he had a great smile on his face.
After saying this, the doctor and Uthen, who is holding the doctor’s suitcase, rise from their seats and walk out.

At that very moment, Alfred receives a phone call from Khushahal. "Buddy, I’m standing outside your house."

"Okay, just wait. I’ll be right there in a minute-"

"So you’re going to kick me away from outside?" Khushahal interrupts Alfred.

"No, buddy. Just wait outside. I’m coming now!" said Alfred.

As Alfred steps out of his house to meet his friend, Khushahal asks him why Alfred wanted him to wait outside. Alfred tells him that he wasn’t feeling better inside his house and hence asked him to wait outside his house.
Just then, Alfred notices a large truck departing from the driveway of his old house, and upon watching more closely, he realises that the truck driver is wearing the DCL uniform. Surprised, he clutches Khushahal’s wrist and runs towards the old house. As both friends try to enter the old house, the security guard stationed at the door stops them.
Another guard at the house tells them, "You’re not supposed to trespass this facility, mister."

"Then how the hell did that truck just pass by?" Alfred questions the guard.

The guard roared in anger, "Are you crazy? What truck are you talking about? When did a truck leave from here?"

"The big truck that just left a few minutes ago,’ replied Alfred.

Another guard standing nearby becomes furious and grabs Khushahal’s bag, groans at him and asked, "Did you see any truck leaving these premises?"

Terrified and scared, Khushahal replied in a trembling tone, "No, I haven’t seen any truck pass by. Alfred, we must leave now!"

"What the hell are you saying, Khushahal? Didn’t we see the truck just leave from here?" Alfred asked, looking at Khushahal surprisingly.

"Remove these fellows from here!’ the chief ordered the two security guards standing there"

"That’s not needed. We are leaving on our own." Khushahal said.

As they moved far away from the old house, Khushahal asks Alfred what he intended to do by entering that house. Alfred told him that the old house belonged to their family.

"If the house was your property, then why the hell did those guards not allow us inside?" Khushahal enquired.

"Because my mother put a restraining order on that house, and nobody is supposed to enter the premises. But I just happened to see a truck leaves from the driveway of the house, and the occupant in the truck was wearing our company’s uniform. I was curious as to why the truck was here in the first place."

"But why did your mother put a stay order on your house?"

"I don’t know, buddy. Whenever I ask my dad about this, he just tries to divert the topic."

"Listen, buddy, I think I can help you with this problem. One of my uncles is a member of the Kansas City Developer Community, and I believe that he can shed some light on this issue. I’ll introduce you to him."

"That’s great. But I need to enter that house right now. It’s been almost eight years since I’ve entered that old house." said Alfred.

"And what do you think? The guards standing over there would just let you in?" Khushahal asked him in a teasing tone.

"I know a route that will lead us into the house without the security guards seeing us," replied Alfred.

Both of them go to the garden behind the old house. Alfred removes the cover of the tunnel, and both of them enter the tunnel. The odour emanating from the tunnel makes Khushahal uncomfortable, and he said to Alfred, "So this is the route? I’m sure that this smell won’t leave our bodies for a week."
Alfred laughs heartily at his friend’s joke. After a few steps into the tunnel, they see a bright light shining from one of the ventilating grilles below. Both of them peep down and witness a few men inside one of the rooms. They are wearing DCL uniforms and are working on some chemical experiments. They also notice that the people present are surrounded by DCL-related chemicals.
Looking at this, both of them remain speechless.

"I think we should leave. There’s something creepy going on here," Khushahal said to Alfred.
Taking a few more steps forward, they climb their way into the house with the help of a ladder. Khushahal looks around the house and comments, "Woooow. This is one big house. Is this really your house?"

"Yes indeed, it is ours," replied Alfred. After scanning the house with wide eyes, Khushahal asked his friend, as to how and why the tunnel is connected to the hall, but not to any other room in the house. Alfred explains that the tunnel was built as an escape route during an unseen emergency, and it connects to this tunnel that opens out to the nearby road.
He gives Khushahal a sneak peek of every nook and cranny of his house. And then they enter a large room that stored numerous study books all over. In wonder at the large volume of the books, Khushahal gasps, "Oh my god! These are indeed a lot of books, man! Why didn’t you take these books back with you?’"

"Unfortunately, there’s a restraining order on this house. And as per the court’s order, all the belongings should remain as is," replied Alfred.

As Khushahal surveys the entire house, he enters one of the rooms and notices that a security guard is sitting while reading a book outside the door at the other side of the room. He signals Alfred to inform him about the security guard, and silently, they decide to leave the room without making any noise. Suddenly, the bookshelf above their heads falls on them. The sudden noise disturbs the guard. He immediately rushes inside and alarms the other guards, saying, "Over here! Something is going on here."

The guards look stunned as they see Khushahal and Alfred amongst the piled-up books. One of the guards roars in a loud voice, "What the hell are you guys doing here? How did you enter these premises? Both of you were already warned once. Come on, speak up fast."

Another guard screams at them, "Why don’t you guys answer? Don’t you understand what he’s asking?"

Khushahal answered in a trembling voice, "No, nothing. We weren’t doing anything."

"Are you here for something?" the guard asked him.

The guard then turns to his colleagues and yells at them, "Which one of you has let them in? Aren’t you aware that there are strict orders over trespassing this place? Were you all sleeping or what? Today these guys broke in. Tomorrow somebody else will."

One of the guards again pressures Khushahal into telling them their reason for trespassing house. Khushahal looks helplessly over the fallen books around them and replied instantly, "Nothing. We came inside for a book that we needed for our college assignment." Then he reaches for one of the books nearby titled The Infinity Theorem and shows it to the guard.

"How do you know that there are books in this room?"

One of the guards then interrupts, and said in a casual tone, "Hey, man, this house actually belongs to that red-eyed youngster. His mother has put a stay order on this house because of her new-found boyfriend." All the guards grin over his comment. "There’s no use discussing this issue in detail. Just get them out of here."

The guards then order them to leave the house and warn them that they will be handed over to the police if they are seen there again. Khushahal helplessly collects the book and keeps it in his bag. As both of them descend the stairs, Khushahal trips, making Alfred fumble. Then both of them begin to roll down the stairs. All of a sudden, they realise that they are floating in thin air and start to land on the floor at a very slow pace. The guards look at one another in amazement over this strange occurrence. Even Khushahal looks terrified. The guards order them to stop, but Alfred and Khushahal manage to get up and escape out of the house.

After reaching some distance away from the old house, Khushahal asks Alfred, "What’s happening, buddy? I don’t understand a thing."

"I can’t explain, man! Even I’ve been experiencing such strange things happening around me for the past few days."

"Whatever it was, I feel that I’ve no control over my body now. It seems like my blood will come out of my nose and ears. I . . . I might throw up this moment. I’m off to my house, man. I suggest that you leave too. We’ll talk tomorrow. And yes, I’ve to take care of this stink over my body." After saying this, Khushahal leaves.

Thanks For Reading this another Episode. Yes there's delay by one day and we are sorry. It won't happen again.
Next Episode will be on 18th January 2019.

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