Let's Make STEEM Great Again.

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

It's not perfect, things can be better. Hard forks (or another four letter f-word) help to get us there.

If you have issues with not being able to do more with your new resource constraint (post-v.20.3), then its time to power up some STEEM in order to actually partner alongside our evolving community rather than leeching off of the paid-for resources of others for free.


What, until the next time things don't don't go anything like according to plan?

Let's just say it could be better and 'don't blame the witnesses', eh?

Do you have a witness you wish to blame? From what i saw on steem chat they did a pretty good coordination job of getting things back online. If you know better programmers who can vet the system, let me know so i can vote them up too.

No, but I know they're paid well. And this (the fuck up) isn't really good enough in my eyes. With no advance warning and all that. Are you happy with it?

And some people may feel they've already powered up enough? Or is it you who determines how much exactly is 'enough'?

The real cost of actions are now being realized, whereas before my excess spare resources were being used to support spammers.

Of course Im not happy with the roll out but I have no one to blame other than the person who missed the unforseen. And unless you found someone who saw this in advance, hard to imagine theres someone direct your fruatration at.

The bugs will be smoothed out over time, but its the new system Im addressing with the built in limitations of proportionate steem power to proportionate transactions with the blockchains resources allowed. And i have no problem with that, and encourage others to get more steem power if they want to partake in that.

Testing the cost of comments.

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