Why is Steemit Awesome? Passive Income

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I love rental properties because they provide passive income. One thing I love about Steemit is you can create passive income as well.


I found Steemit by researching unique crypto currencies. I saw the bitcoin craze, but I have never been one to speculate. Buying bitcoin or other currencies and hoping they go up in value is speculation. Buying houses and hoping they go up in value is speculation. Buying rentals properties that make money every month is investing. You can also invest with Steemit.

Why is Steemit more of an investment than other currencies?

While Steemit is confusing and tricky to figure out, it provides many different ways to make money. You can:

-write posts to earn money
-vote on posts to earn curration
-comment on posts to earn votes

You can also get more advanced with:
-vote on your own posts to make money
-buy votes from bots
-join groups to get votes
-pay for lifetime votes

You can earn passive income with:
-delegating Steem Power
-delegating votes

Most currencies allow you to make money by buying that currency and hoping it goes up. Steem gives you multiple ways to create income through effort or delegation. I love it!

You could buy Steem, convert it to Steem Power, and delegate it to @minnowbooster or @smartsteem and make a healthy return every day. It takes almost no work or effort. You can also sell your votes to those places as well and make a healthy daily return with no work.

You can do a combination of posting, commenting, curatting, delegating, investing, and networking to build an incredible income.

Why is passive income key?

I think earning money is great, but passive income is better. Passive income comes without working. The more passive income you have the more freedom and security you have. That is why I love rentals. The fact you can create passive income with Steem is huge.


As more people realize the possibilities of Steem, it will only get better. I am estatic I found it and can't wait for the future!

What is your favorite thing about Steemit?


Agreed - I think the beauty of it all is that you get paid for something you're already doing - engaging in social media. And ostensibly, the higher quality your post (and the more time you invest in it), the higher the "payoff"! Obviously there are other elements to this but there's no reason to believe it won't see more growth as folks discover Steemit and make the plunge to join!

I completely agree. I blog a lot and it is a natural progression for me.

Steemit is also like having dividend paying stocks. You hold onto them for the dividends and not to trade them for price gains. You are paid to hold for the long term. As long as the cryptoeconomy grows, we also have the potential to realise significant gains in the value of Steem.

Exactly, you can reinvest the earnings into more Steem or take some out as well. So many options

Great analogy!

Steemit DRIP! (dividend reinvestment program)

That's a term that people will understand readily. Thanks!

what's better than getting paid to communicate with other people?!

yes, and getting paid to talk about your own content without fear of ostrizising yourself like you can on Reddit

Bravo! This is one of the most concise and on the money posts about the basics of earning on Steemit, not mention a perfect arguement for why passive income is key to long term financial freedom.

Thank you! The posts about Steemit seem to be the best performing as well.

The community is rallying to support development and better content. I just hope they build features that allow easier ways to follow various genres, rank your own authors, and facilitate 1x1 or small grpup chats. I have faith they'll get there but it will take a devoted and talented development team!

Thanks @investfourmore for the heads up. I look forward in learning about using Bots and also delegating SP to earn Returns everyday.

Thanks :)

It is a constant learning process but fun!

If your going to be online reading stuff and posting anyway now you can get paid at the same time. I think its a good deal

For sure! It is also fantastic for content creators.

My favorite part about steemit is the people it brings together, and, of course, the couple extra dollars it allows for.

You are right about the people it brings together. It brings people from all over the world.

Yeah sort of good explanation on what we are doing here. Its perfect income source if understood completely and in full details.

Your post here describing everything that is need for the good earning method.

You, I loved this part the most, and I came to know few more options to earn more.

Thanks for this,

-write posts to earn money
-vote on posts to earn curration
-comment on posts to earn votes

You can also get more advanced with:
-vote on your own posts to make money
-buy votes from bots
-join groups to get votes
-pay for lifetime votes

You can earn passive income with:
-delegating Steem Power
-delegating votes

I am a a minnow still so any more ways you know to earn I would love to hear!

The money is real cool but I think I'm drawn to the power of it almost as much as the money.

There are many plusses. It is great for cross promotion as well

I might try that after I add in the steemit link to my website. You might have been able to get a million for that Greeley mansion on steemit. lol I know someone that used to live in Greeley.

The high end flip? That one was in Longmont CO. Prices here are crazy. Almost tripled in 7 years

Oh. I'm surprised a mountain view house like that would go for less than a mil anywhere in the USA. The winter heating bill might be as much as the taxes though. lol

good luck to all of us happy earnings

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