POWERFUL WORDS today! Licences, patents, intellectual property and everyone sues each other !?!

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Peak your interest? What makes you understand life or feel good at the end of the day?


Today I read more than I wanted to about licences, patents, and intellectual property. In the future I expect anyone that wants to stand in line at a court to sue Intellectual Property holders, will now have all they may need to do that..

However, during all of this, I stumbled upon these powerful words that someone wrote:

"It is time to let the code be free and make a commitment to only produce BSD or MIT licensed code going forward. I will never again write software that isn't BSD / MIT from the day I conceive it to the day it is released."

This peaked my interest. I made me understand life, and I feel good at the end of today reading them. (Even if those words are locked in a blockchain to never be seen easily ever again).

Hats off to you sir. You always try to do the right thing, I'm sorry your visions are not understood.

Time will demonstrate that you are right in your thinking. Just not soon enough.

This is not an easy conclusion. A lot of sleepless nights I imagine. Now we know why most developers without a conscious build something, and run away with the money before it all comes crashing down. That's unfortunate that we might see this again.

In a truly free market everyone wins when the best innovation wins. That's all we needed. Open competition and lots of innovation.

Ever heard of Lindows? Very few did. It was a Linux based version of something very similar to Microsoft Windows and it's goal was to run better, faster, cheaper.


  • Intellectual property rights killed that one pretty fast. See Microsoft_Corp._v._Lindows.com,_Inc.

  • So they came back as Linspire for another try. On 15 June 2005, Michael Robertson stepped down as CEO of Linspire, Inc

People with more money, and more politics in their heads, changed the direction of what could have been better, forever...

See how similar history repeats itself?

The point of this point isn't to talk about operating systems. The purpose of this post is to talk about how innovation can be stifled, bought, and sold, and change direction with only money and power.

Powerful people with money can buy the world. That's still a problem.


Good post! I look at intellectual property this way: nothing is created in a vacuum. We all of us feed off of what other people have said, done, and written. In my opinion there is no such thing as intellectual property unless you were raised by wolves. But then, you probably learned something from the wolves, so they could sue you for breach of intellectual property :)

Whoa! What a fantastic comment. Just reading this from someone else with similar thinking is worth its weight in gold today. :)

PS. It carries a million ounces of weight. :)

Most of you who are in tune with recent developments in steemit will know why I wrote this today. :)

we all miss dan and hope the wars stop, people get smarted and start getting the idea that we can work together, rather than stand out and fight back with anyone trying to stand next to us, if you can make an analogy to MS and linux. BTW MS can sell more but 90% of the computers run on linux, guess why :D MS is for the corporate entities that have no idea of computers and users like most of the world. (my sad face) :D

Thank you for the article.

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