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RE: The Steemit Ecosystem: Profiting from Pegging SBD to STEEM

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

well, sbd is debt to steem... in a way, it allows the blockchain to award bloggers, without spending as much in the immediate moment. the concern is inflating the supply of sbd enough to bring price to $1 would create A LOT more debt to the blockchain... so of course, witnesses are wary of doing that. however, having such a strong steem value inflates sbd quite naturally, anyhow.... still not anywhere close to the volume required for that $1 peg... again, I think the mythical $1 peg won't show up for some years... however, while the fed and the us govt continue to deflate the usd, and cryptos help that process along by taking away that huge store of value from the central banks... they really gotta be spinning their gears on how to co-opt this movement... otherwise generations of power will become powerless... they always let a generation think they are winning for only so long :-( hopefully we don't buy into their co-opting scheme as easily this time

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