Are YouTube and Facebook Getting Steemed?

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


While YouTube struggles to find out where it went wrong and Facebook ventures into the video creators space, I have wondered if they too have seen the writing on the wall. Just yesterday I was pushed into taking an in depth survey from YouTube. I am a long term video creator and they wanted to know where they went wrong and how they could fix it. And just this morning, I woke up to an ad from Facebook pushing their new highly unorganized effort to produce creator tools. No video roll ads as of yet, at least not across the board, but they want you now.

The last few weeks have seen some major gains in the crypto markets, so much so, I thought about developing my own social site on the blockchain and its own currency. With the new announcement of the SMT's (Smart Media Tokens) this will not only be possible for me, but to anyone who wants to implement it.

I have an account with Patreon, a site where followers can fund their creators through a monthly subscription or a per video upload fee. I have to say that it is a dud. I have to be honest, I never thought it would get anywhere anyway, the crowdfunding platform has been saturated and the site just comes off as a full-time Kickstarter campaign.

OK, I love my followers on Facebook, and I also love my fans on YouTube, they have all been loyal for years, but the truth be told, the entire social media platform has been played out. I have to go to so many sites to get my needs met as a creator that it boggles ones mind. I have found the whole market to be fragmented at best. Oh, and by the way, seen anything real high quality on social media lately? I didn't think so. Just routine, mind-numbing garbage that obscures great content.

So has steem created a new paradigm? You bet they have! steem is a game changer. The new platform should have Zuckerbook & Boobtube shaking in their boots and running for the blockchain and crypto. Are they prepping to implement this new model? I doubt it. Given their history, they will be late to the party!



@imaginationicon, I have given up on YouTube for the most part. For quite some time now, every time I go there, their recommendations are for videos I have already seen or have already said that I was not interested. Seriously, I will say that I am not interested in one and then my recommendations will give a dozen more just like it. It is quite aggravating. I am still learning about how cryptocurrency works, but at least I have come to the party! The hors d'oeuvres here at Steemit are quite tasty. I am looking forward to the main course.

I never did Youtube or facebook much. Pappa Pepper and my wife got me started on steemit. I was not much of a ham, but im learning.

It is a slow process, but remember, everything you do here, if done well, will come back in spades. Happy Holidays!

Thank you! Happy Holidays to you, too!

Thanks for the lovely response. I am disinterested until they get it together. I hope this platform outperforms all of them.

@imaginationicon I am disinterested in youtube too, and I also have high hopes for steemit. Upvoted and re-steemed.

Thanks so much. You really do help. happy holidays.

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