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RE: Full STEEM ahead – STEEM business is Your Business and My Business

in #steem6 years ago

I started an initiative to promote STEEM on social media. Basically, any time someone is frustrated with censorship, shadow banning, lack of monetary compensation on the dominant social medias (pretty much all of them except YouTube). We can flood the post\video\tweet with comments advising the OP to check out, and obviously upvote\like each others' comments, to get maximum visibility.
The Discord server I've just opened is a bit basic, so if anyone wants to help me manage this initiative, feel free to join the STEEM Promotion Task Force right, about, here


fantastic, this is the sort of initiatives we need and we need to pull leaders like to you together. I will hope over to your discord this evening and we can have a chat

I'm available most of the time ^_^ @paulag

awesome ! what's the initiative you have started ? fb ,insta ads to promo steem ? i see very good synergy where @share2steem can join in too,

  1. s2s provide an easier learning curve for external new users to integrate into steem, they are still using something they are familiar and they already establish a substantial amount of following like @paulag business website where content creator post the content and distribute to various platform for bigger outreach.

  2. just recently s2s deployed the first ever new steem account creation api for external users leveraging on @oracle-d RC, no more long waiting time for account creation. When s2s run external promotion, users from these platform can easily get started.

s2s is more of sharing entire posts on social media. My initiative is about "infiltrating" existing posts with pro-STEEM comments.
Does your tool allow sharing in specific FB groups? Or just on the FB profile?
Some folks in the Israeli community share their posts in Steemit related groups rather frequently, it would be great if some automation can be inserted in to the process.

yeah like u mentioned its on posts. not comments :(

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