The rise of steem and SBD as a catalyst for steemit community expansion. aumento de steem y SBD como un catalizador para la expansión de la comunidad Steemit

in #steem7 years ago

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The recent increase in steem and SBD took many steemians by surprise while some crypto analysts have envisage that the price will even be more than what it is trading now. Most steemians are happy that their post will have value now.

Few months back after Hardfork 19, the post of steemians who were earning above $2000 (STU) that is steem token unit droped to around $500 or below. The huge drop of earning affected most people in the community especially those who join the community newly then. Some new people who have fewer followers were getting less than $2 in their post, for this reason, most of them backed out from the community as they see all their effort in writing post as a waste.

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However, most people continue to move ahead to climb steemit ecosystem by continuous writing of quality contents, getting reward and powering up. Today most of those stemians that took this step have become millionaires.

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The rise of steem and SBD has become a wakeup call for those who abandoned steemit for a long time and those who have been on the sideline watching to see what steemit will become. Most steemians have taken steemit very serious than ever now. Some have resigned from their job and took steemit as full time job since it pays more than regular job and equally give them peace of mind.

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Many investors are buying up steem and powering up, knowing fully well that price will continue to go up. The rise in price will attract more people to steemit, thereby increasing the population of steemit users.

Guys what do you think about this rise in price???.
If you like this post pleases upvot, reestem, leave a comment and follow me for more content.
Thank you for reading @hynet

El reciente aumento en steem y SBD tomó muchos Steemians por sorpresa, mientras que algunos analistas de cifrado han previsto que el precio será incluso más de lo que se comercializa ahora. La mayoría de los Steemianos están felices de que su publicación tenga valor ahora.

Pocos meses después de Hardfork 19, el puesto de Steemians que ganaba más de $ 2000 (STU) que es unidad de token de Steem cayó a alrededor de $ 500 o menos. La gran caída de ingresos afectó a la mayoría de las personas en la comunidad, especialmente a aquellos que Únete a la comunidad recién entonces. Algunas personas nuevas que tienen menos seguidores obtuvieron menos de $ 2 en sus publicaciones, por esta razón, la mayoría de ellos se retiraron de la comunidad porque ven todo su esfuerzo al escribir publicaciones como un desperdicio.

Sin embargo, la mayoría de las personas continúa avanzando para escalar el ecosistema Steemit mediante la escritura continua de contenidos de calidad, obteniendo recompensas y potenciando. Hoy la mayoría de los stemians que dieron este paso se han convertido en millonarios.

El auge de Steem y SBD se ha convertido en una llamada de atención para aquellos que abandonaron Steemit por un largo tiempo y aquellos que han estado en la línea de banda mirando para ver en qué Steemit se convertirá. La mayoría de los Steemianos han tomado Steemit muy en serio ahora. Algunos han renunciado a su trabajo y se han comprometido como un trabajo de tiempo completo, ya que paga más que un trabajo regular y les da tranquilidad por igua.

Muchos inversores están comprando Steam y encendido, sabiendo muy bien que el precio seguirá subiendo. El aumento en el precio atraerá a más personas para que se unan, aumentando así la población de usuarios steemit.

Chicos, ¿qué piensan de este aumento en el precio?.

Si te gusta esta publicación, agradece a upvot, reestem, deja un comentario y sígueme para obtener más contenido.

Gracias por leer @hynet


I am happy that i joined steemit when the price of steem and SBD is going up. I think that the price will continue to go higher. upvoted and following for more content.

yes, your right the price is expected to go up. thanks for coming

well writing article, in my opinion the rising price of steem and SBD is a huge blessing to us steemians. i will continue to steem hot.

yes, is really a blessing, i glad you like it

Recent wave of new steemians make it all possible to grow our community which in result is producing huge demand and spike in steem price. Hope we get good profits and stabilize steem price in coming months.

I hope so, thanks for coming

For us that are just joining steemit community, the rise of steem and Sbd has given us hope. i will continue to work hard to earn so much steem. upvoted.

yes dear, there is hope for all of us, keep steeming hot

I believe that the rise in price will make more steemians millionaires. well writing article. upvoted.

yes more people will join the league of millionaire through steemit

Well writing article, most of those steemians that worked hard then are ripping the fruit of their labour today. this is a lesson for us to learn.

thanks i glad you liked it. thanks for coming around

i cannot agree with you more. great content and nicely written. upped

Thanks @kenhudoy, I glad you liked it. thanks for coming around

Mucho gracias
Spasiba bakshaya
Danke shun!
Mercy bocu

well writing article, it is possible that the price will still go above 100 dollars for one steem before the end of the year.

Yes, the projection is that before the end of this year price will hit 100 dollars.

The risen price of steem and SBD is the major reason that attracted me to steemit. i will like to invest in steem. good job.

Yes those who invest now will reap high profit in the future.

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