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RE: Why I won’t be compromising with Justin Sun

in #steem4 years ago

I've already downvoted that farce post. I do not support a fork. @blocktrades is not even a trustable entity to set something like this up. The only exchange that will list this token is blocktrades itself.

On another note, the author of this post keeps talking in the name 'The community', when he actually doesn't represent the community as a whole. This is known as populism, and in this case it's borderline fascism.


Sounds like somebody is afraid of completely losing their delegation. Maybe you could try making a better product that people actually want to use and support instead of milking STINC’s ninja-mined stake, which you’ve had for what, two years now? And the results have been what - “Steem sucks and we’re making our own token.” ???

And you criticize Blocktrades for actually providing services and development for the community while you’re doing what - begging Justin for delegations for your sub-par project?

You’re pathetic, bro. It’s one thing to be a useless twat and a drain on the rewards pool. It’s another thing to bash someone who actually provides tangible services and value.

And in case you haven’t noticed, what Blocktrades is offering the community here is the very thing that you and Justin Sun are failing to provide: viable options for users and investors of this blockchain.

Grow up already. The whining and crying game is overplayed. And if you think Dtube has a future with Tron, you’re delusional. At some point, you’re going to have to sleep in the burning bed that you’re making.

I've "drained" barely anything compared to the author of the root post here.

Should I go dig old posts where he was clearly linked with SteemIt Inc and profited most likely as much as Ned/SteemIt did?

But sure, just ignore what I'm building and keep calling it a sub-par project, that's your opinion and your opinion alone.

And keep getting brain-washed by greedy hypocrites !

That seems a bit extreme to me. No one person represents the entire community, but it is true blocktrades has had many different conversations with many of the community and as the comments here already show, there are plenty of people in the community (including high-ranking witnesses who have the trust of token holders) that do support this effort.

If blocktrades and those who support this effort do get additional exchanges beyond just blocktrades, will you take back your statement here?

Launching a new chain when the current one is being sybil attacked with the very stake promised to support the community is a far cry from "fascism" IMO.

You're one of the only ones with a bit of decency. Do you see how others in this 'community bandwaggon' are behaving? Do you want to be part of that? I don't.

JS has been playing by the old adage 'divide and conquer'. Look at how I'm treated in comments for taking a neutral position and refusing to instantly show support, move dtube to another coin, and fuck justin sun. Your bandwaggon of brainless monkeys are too blinded by their free rewards addiction to even notice that.

Talk to you on a better blockchain in the future, STEEM ON @lukestokes.

If you want to be treated with decency, maybe start by not calling people a "bandwaggon of brainless monkeys" (or claiming they are mine). There is definitely a group of people that, IMO, don't treat others with respect, but maybe they feel they are just responding in kind.

I remember in the very early days running a IPFS server to help when you were first testing out DTube. I remember using it, working through the bugs, trying to help test things and bring about improvements with suggestions. I think projects like DTube are important for Steem, but I think some are frustrated to see people supporting Justin and Tron even after they attack Steem and continually go back on their word again and again. A neutral position is one thing, but at some point it seems like playing both sides, even if it screws the community.

Dtube would be fucking awesome if we could change things up so videos could be rewarded for a longer period of time, even indefinitely, most youtube videos don't get the majority of their hits in a week. This new chain could be the place where the kinks get worked out. Just my possibly over optimistic opinion.

Are you aware that this is the case for DTC (our new chain + token coming out in May) ? Just try it, make a account and vote on some 1 month old video...

Videos don't have a 7 day limit anymore for rewards. This is one of the reason why we created a customized chain for DTube, and that's the reason why they downvoting anything I post on steem in the last 6 months.

"They" being a handful of people, yes? I've been on downvote bots before also. I get it. It sucks. I can also understand why people would be frustrated with someone moving to a new chain, and, from the perspective, abandoning Steem after this community has tried to promote DTube all this time. Maybe there were other solutions that could have been worked out (and maybe can be now on a new chain not limited by Steemit, inc) to ensure longer payouts on evergreen content.

Maybe a separate rewards pool could take some inflation and only pay it out over a long period of time (6 months, 1 year, etc) and a poster could choose which bucket they wanted to be rewarded with. Or maybe an SMT is the way to go.

Infinite monetization is only one of the reasons why I need dtube to have it's own blockchain. Everything is explained in this article.

I understand why the steem maximalists act the way they do against me. They are big stake-holders that want their tokens to increase in value, not drain away. It just proves they don't care about the tech or the decentralization. All they care about is the numbers in their wallets...

Understood. Unfortunately many in the space only think about numbers in their wallets.

Thanks for sharing that detailed post. I understand the need to innovate and evolve and you made a lot of good points there for what you want to accomplish.

Dude can you tell bernie sanders to stop kicking me from the hive discord? I didn't say any bad word, I was just talking about how he mined his stake in 2016. Can you tell him it's not how decentralization works and that I'm also a stake holder of HIVE?

Fascism... Thats waaaay out of question, not even remotely associated to this situation.
Populism, sure, i can see that. In situations like this pandering to popular opinion is more then appropriate. Its actually the only time it is appropriate.

Determining a definitive feel of the pulse of the community before making a major decision on a platform that lacks democratic decision making, while you know major stakeholder opinions.

Downvoted because you don't even participate in the voting process of consensus witnesses and I have a free downvote. You got your bribe. Go to TRON with DLive. Nobody is buying your shit-token anyway.


Meh! Have a nice week and remember to wash your hands!

Barely anyone here is as deep into this game as you are and so most people can't understand your point of view. Don't let them offend you, it's not worth the nerves. You have all the right to stand your own ground.

D.Tube could work with STEEM and HIVE at the same time after all, while still utilizing the full potential of the DTC. So you don't have to make any bets and people also should not try to push you around here @lordbutterly

I think we should wait for the other real witnesses to stand up and talk about the HIVE fork, while also take actions to further unite the free STEEMians of the world. If the lower-ranked STEEMians would be as united as this post suggests, the ninja stake would not be a topic of these kinds of posts anymore for a very, very long time already. But that last part is only my humble opinion.

@heimindanger you seem to be having some sort of mental distress. Should we be concerned for your well-being? Are you a danger to yourself or others?

Please reach out to those that can help you in this apparent time of need and seek professional help if that is what will aid you towards recovery.

Cheers and please get well soon.

I'm fine. Thanks for your concerns.

Good to hear.

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