What if Steem dies?

in #steem6 years ago


What if Steem dies?

Before I get deeper into the main idea of this article I want to clear out a few things since some people may misunderstand this, Steemit is not Steem, Steemit.com is a website on the internet, and regardless of what’s happening to it, your funds, content, and account would remain the same. On the other hand, Steem is the blockchain where we have plenty of application build upon it, like DTube, DLive, Steemit and Busy but all these apps are just a front end to the blockchain and Steem could live without them, but they could not live without Steem. The overall idea, Steemit is just a website, Steem is the technology behind this.

We have many people that took huge bets with Steem and have most of their money invested in this technology. Also, this is the primary source of income for many other people, and others are just earning a bonus here but regardless of that, we all want to see it succeed but, since it’s still new, many things can happen.

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The most known theory is that Steem could be MySpace, it could have a lot of success only to die off later and make room for something better to come in, for a Facebook to get born. Considering the issues it has, and the fact that usually, the first man through the door gets shot, this theory is possible, but regardless, what’s important is that the legacy keeps on living. If someone else launches something a lot better, we would undoubtedly see a lot of people migrating there, especially the newbies and that could mean the beginning of the end, but I guess we can only wait and see what happens. One thing is sure, the more similar platforms get born, and competitiveness is being created, the more is the team behind Steem/Steemit motivated to innovate.


Another thing that could happen is either someone fucking up the blockchain, some regulations coming into this ecosystem or any other event that could crush the prices of Steem or crypto in general for a very long time. When we went from $7-8 at the peak to under $2 after the crash, many people that just joined Steem got used to the big prices and became less determined to post quality. Even other people that were here for a while felt demoralized, and that was seen in the amount of their interaction and not only on Steem but the whole internet. But, the people that understood that Steem is still great at $2 considering that it stayed at under $1 for a long time before the pump kept on working the same. The idea is that in case the prices drop dramatically, many people will either post less or just leave.

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What if?

Let’s say that this whole platform gets crushed and nobody’s feeling incentivize to post anymore, regardless how that would get accomplished, what would then happen to this blockchain?


Steem isn't actually its price or technology, nor the sum of its applications like Steemit, Busy or DTube but, since it’s a social media platform, after all, Steem is its community, and the community is solid right now. In the absurd that the shit goes down, the essence of Steem would never die but would get manifested in other ways. Many Steemians spent months and some even years here, interacting with people, making real friends and some of them even met in real life so I can firmly say that we have a strong sense of community.

If Steem disappears, the community would probably just keep on developing other more projects, regardless if they are on a blockchain or on the web. Thanks to the friendships and connections most of us created here, the collaborations will keep on going, and the essence of Steem would still be alive, it almost sounds romantic.

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Even if one of the scenarios mentioned above it is possible, I think it’s most unlikely, and Steem will probably live forever in one way or another because it truly impacted people’s lives. Even if this might turn out to be just a social experiment and will crumble down in flames, it opened the way for innovation and will probably allow people to build something even better because there’s always room for growth.


All these ideas are theoretical, I think Steem is here to stay regardless of its issues, and I think anyone should try to look for the future because five years from now on, all these problems will look like jokes. Maybe Steem will become as massive as Facebook, leading in this ecosystem or it might just die but either way, I think people should still get on this but also keep in mind, don't invest more than you're willing to lose.

The pictures are from Unsplash: 1, 2, 3.




Steem won't crash.

It's always good to think in 'what if's but merely to focus on making the most of the now and not feel too bad if thing's don't go the way you expect them to go.

Part of me did not want to read this - as more than half of my money is invested in Steem - but, in the end, I'm glad I did.

I love this alinea:

If Steem disappears, the community would probably just keep on developing other more projects, regardless if they are on a blockchain or on the web. Thanks to the friendships and connections most of us created here, the collaborations will keep on going, and the essence of Steem would still be alive, it almost sounds romantic.

I picture a future, where we ( and a bunch of (ex)steemians ) are sipping from a drink, eating international food and talking and laughing about the past, perhaps even looking back on it with a feeling of nostalgia.

The main thing is that we are part of it and are making awesome connections. Connections that change many lives and - in a way - even the world.

We are still doing this every single day and you, my friend, are an inspiring example of this.

Have a great day!

Haha, I know what you mean, I have a shitload of tokens myself, probably too many for something that may or may not survive but at the end of the day, I'm still a gambler to some extent. It's a risk worth taking because the potential rewards are huge.

I am sure that the friendships made here will keep on going with or without Steem and the real-life meetups will help to make those bonds even stronger.

Thanks a lot for your comment and reading, I appreciate it a lot. :D

You're welcome buddy.
I felt you could use some attention and positivity ;>)

Investing in crypto is definitely a risk worth taking.
In fact, not doing so, is missing out ( I feel ).

Better sorry than safe, I would say.
Otherwise, life is just boring ;>)

I am sure that the friendships made here will keep on going with or without Steem and the real-life meetups will help to make those bonds even stronger.

No doubt about that!

C ya around!

Yes, I was in and out for the last couple of weeks, low energy levels but now I am pretty much back.

The risk is pretty high but also the potential rewards are tremendous. I just love that saying; it's damn epic, I'm going to steal it, haha.

What's going to be interesting is seeing more and more people collaborating on stuff on and outside the blockchain in the future, I am certain a lot of great projects will come out of that.

Glad you're back and re-energized.

Lately I'm doing all kinds of things to power up my energy, mainly by prioritizing the things that feed me (water, food, movement, rest, steemit, nature, music). It seems to bear fruit.

Collabs on projects on - and especially outside the blockchain - will be awesome. I'm sure we will look back on this one day (many days) with huge smiles on our faces.

✨ ✨

To get to that sweet level of energy that I need to crush it, I have to sleep at least 7-8 hours a night, not 5-6 that I sleep on the work days. Besides that, having some green tea by my side while writing, working, always helps.

Even if Steem goes down, it would certainly be at least a great social experiment and inspiration for something even greater.

Yes, and we're already almost one year old here, the fun is just beginning. :)

I get you there. I need my sleep too. Or, to rephrase it, if I don't get a decent (amount of) sleep it's more work/ takes more time to get into high energy mode.

No green tea for me, just coffee. Portuguese coffee is so good!

It's awesome to be part of this experiment and awfully (in the best way possible) inspiring too. As is life ;>)

The fun is, indeed, just beginning.

keep on fucking steeming! great post, nice to find my way towards you feed =D

The communities we are building will certainly survive and migrate to the next best thing if steemit would go down in flames.

I am sure of that, but hopefully, it will never go down in flames. :)

Thank you very much. Information is indeed power. I am among those that confuse steem for steemit. @guyfawkes4-20

Honestly, for me, most of the times, steemit is just like a diary or a notebook...when something new is coming to my life, whether good or bad I want to write it down, so I use steemit.

Even if it will die, I will still post something, maybe a picture of my sunset or a story from my casuistry 🤗.

Great point of view / theory!

I know what you mean, it's an interesting way to look at the things, a diary that will be here forever. It's both scary and exciting since we will all be able to look back at our posts years and years from now.

Thank you very much. Information is indeed power. I am among those that confuse steem for steemit.

I am sure will thrive as a community! I am pleased with everything I receive from this amazing social media!
nice post @guyfawkes4-20

Thanks a lot, I'm sure that the communities built here will stick together and succeed regardless of the blockchain or platform they are on.

I definitely think SMTs are a hedge by Steemit inc against steemit being overtaken by something else. If many other platforms are built upon steem, the viability of steem will be much greater and less dependent on one particular site

Agreed, SMTs should change some things and give the developers to build their platforms directly upon the Steem technology but, this release is taking a shitload of time. I can't wait for them to release it, I'm excited, lol. :)

This is a very interesting question to consider... it's kind of a hyper bug-out question!

However, it is kind of hypothetical as there's no where else for us all to disappear to.... yet!

Well said, yet, but other platforms will still keep on raising, and one of them might be an option. But, regardless of that, I think Steem is too huge to go down at the moment, I feel like it's here to stay for the long-term even if some things are rigged.

I can see it lasting long term too. What I don't understand is why steem isn't climbing the crypto charts - it's one of the very few useable currencies.

Yeah, I know what you mean, it's one of the few working projects out there. One of the reasons for its stagnation I think it's the fact that after all, users can get free Steem instead of buying it, thus making it more appealing only to big investors which aren't that many.

Well it's probably one factor among many! Despite the stafnation it still has enormous potential!

It has great potential for sure, but there are still many possibilities at play. I guess we shall find out how great it actually is in the following months-years.

Yup - in the meantime, steems..

Hahaha, yes. That song fits nicely, Steem is certainly a lot of the times on my mind. :))

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