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RE: Thoughts

in #steem5 years ago

I appreciate your thoughts Matt.

I agree it’s super difficult to give any sort of analysis when really what we are doing is purely speculating.... but imo thats no different than any other time in the history of steem.

Of course we have no idea what the future holds here, but did we ever? It’s my position that literally anything is better than the direction we were going pre tron and the price of steem had been a crystal clear signal that this wasn’t working.

People often pointed to SMTS and Communities as a savior and as cool as I think those ideas are, as we know ideas are cheap and only execution matters. The truth is we have no idea what these two unproven features would do without a budget or marketing machine behind them but I suspect it would be... nothing.

To me Communites while great, just bring us up to par with any regular social media site and who knows what SMTS are going to be. Without a utility tokens are meaningless and likely a very small percentage will have any value.

My position has always been that the biggest and most existential mistake that Steemit inc made (with the caveat that this is circumstantial and i dont know all the details obviously ) was keeping funds in cryptocurrency which most people running a company would consider pretty reckless regardless of how bullish our opinions are on the crypto space.

This is getting long winded but really my point is that I think this is a net positive for steem because without this level of funding that tron can provide I feel like we were in big big trouble.

I’m cautiously bullish on the partnerships and like you, plan to support steem any way I can.

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