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RE: STEEM DOLLAR Peg Debate : Stakeholder Analysis

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

@baah—I believe @charitybot was talking specifically about Steemit dying, not necessarily STEEM, although I would add that Steem could by extension die because of the very idea you speak of. If people lose faith that their voice can be heard on Steemit to the audiences they wish to reach, then fewer will come and more will leave.

There is censorship on Steemit. It's called flagging/downvoting. If you want to, and have the power to do so, you can flag someone's post or comment to the point where it's no longer visible for the low ratings it received. Unfortunately, too much flagging here involves retaliation, not curation. There are people here who don't take kindly to even a different opinion, let alone being called out for their five second post that may or may not have value.

I do agree with you that of all the crypto coins I currently know of, STEEM has the greatest chance of holding on the longest because of Steemit. But I also agree with @charitybot that as Steemit is currently set up, it is not a social media platform—yet. And the glimmer of hope I read from your post @charitybot, is that with enough voices like yours finally being heard, and people actually acting upon the words, from the ground up, that Steemit can be molded into what it's been sold to be, but really isn't, and may never be unless we, the people, will it, and act accordingly.


Yes, we need to raise our voices and be heard but we need to offer more ideas and support and less complaining, tearing down and fomenting ill will and making people lose hope.

Here's a novel idea, instead of letting people make you feel a certain way because of their opinions you take responsibility for what you feel and what you say and don't blame others for the atrocity of not being owner over your own emotions, because ill will and making people lose hope is wholly your invention.

I wasn't speaking for myself alone. I do take responsibility for my emotions and constantly work to keep them in check. I will continue to use and believe in the platform. I am talking about the majority of humans that are subject to having human emotions and basing their decisions largely on how they feel about things, especially when it is something new to them and they are deciding if it is worth getting involved with. If they come on the platform and see a bunch of people fighting most will just turn away. If they see people suggesting ideas that will improve things, they will naturally want to get involved and bring their own ideas with them.

I didn't mean to offend you. Let's sing Kumbaya, let's chill, let's be positive and not let negative emotions affect either of us. Enjoy an upvote because I really do agree with the intent of your comment.

Countless good ideas have been suggested in the past, but like I said in my original post they will never be aired on a larger scale because it is not in the interests of the various stakeholders to make the necessary changes for allowing steemit to actually grow and be used by ordinary people.

Steem/IT is used by ordinary people and keeps growing, the investors aren't holding anyone back and almost all of the ideas offered are immature or haven't been considered carefully in exactly what other problems would be created, as for example the multitude that scream Curation equated to Censorship, which in my eyes is akin to killing in Self Defense being equated to Murder, yes killing someone in self defense is not nice, but it's not murder and a complete necessity and not a "protecting muh investment/strategy", yet that doesn't stop people for calling Curation Censorship regardless that for censorship to exist in the very first place it, in it's most base form even, at least one thing must be present:Centralized Authority and/or a mechanism to actually Censor, and not simply Hide/Rate content as Hidden by Default, content that can be simply accessed by using a different front-end and even brute force Spamming until the person's or persons's voting power is drained, regardless of how large the account is because the bandwidth limitation makes Flagging crap for "censorship" and there have been numerous suggestions proposed that hardly consider the numerous problems that they would introduce or even less consider the problem that they are trying to fix as not a problem but a feature and instead are convinced that their understanding of censorship and curation is understood when it hardly could be called considered.

Here is a question for you and all alike: Is flagging in the interest of the various stakeholders or in the interest of the community, and how can you explain that it is in the interest of stakeholders?

I'm tired of the rhetoric of "those greedy investors" and only hope that someone else will have the balls to ridicule such nonsense besides me.

When someone says "we" I always assume they are referring to themselves as in "me, myself and I" and I don't see any reason to approach that differently.

Curating is not Censorship. Steem cannot die, demonstrate how steem, a Free to use Free from Censorship Forum can die. I don't care about STEEM, SBD, STEEMIT but steem cannot die, as it is set up it is by far the most resilient proof technology that the world has: Decentralized Forums.

O yeah, did I mention that Flagging isn't Censorship, or we are so loose with our words and their meaning that for example Self Defense is Murder. Curation is not wholly dependent on your interpretation, curation is simply the act of Flagging or Upvoting, it cannot act as censorship no matter how "hidden" it is on a completely decentralized and transparent network.

Hard censorship comes in the form of flags, soft censorship comes in the form of any post by those not in various inner circles getting any attention at all. The majority of the userbase faces soft censorship on a daily basis, they post and their words are like farts in the wind, doomed to collect at most a few cents and a few pageviews.

You cannot censor the blockchain. Hard or soft it involves removal of content or alteration. Curation is not Censorship.

Ordinary users don't sift through new, as it's unprofitable to curate most of those posts, let alone investigate the blockchain itself to find content.

Obviously you like countless others who I've confronted with the facts cannot actually form an argument for equating Censorship to Curation. All I have to do is point out that Curation is not Censorship and I don't even need to say why and how because an assertion is trumped with a counter assertion, why would I argue with your other assertions when I could simply invalidate them the same way.

From personal experience from a few flag wars I've been involved in with whales I can tell you that regular, ordinary users click reveal on flagged content and even reward it. More so I didn't have to even CARE that I was being flagged by whales and simply said what I wanted to anyway which would bring negative attention to the whales flagging me because people would rightfully ask why I was being flagged, this happens and I can provide proof of it also if you want to investigate if you doubt that it's simply an assertion and only that.

People click Reveal, and in fact I would gladly take a flag because in my eyes I've only been mystified and delegated to intrigue, which is quite an accomplishment.

I really don't care about this issue as much as you might think I do, sorry.

How do you know how much I think you care about this? You don't know, so for future reference when you talk about what I think please don't, and if you don't care about something then maybe actually exemplify that by your actions instead of walking away because you have no argument.

Another thing is attention:

Nobody is entitled to Attention, and who cares what people do to "fit in" or be "accepted" when a feature, and quite a necessary one is seen as a problem SOLELY because of "feelz muh sting to be flagged", those people themselves are the problem and fuck them. To all others I say fuck that, flag away, curate away, and obviously spend your attention wisely or sow the sense of entitlement over "page views and cents" because "I deserve muh". I am awaiting to hear of any place that offers what steem offers, Farts in the Wind indeed.

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