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RE: Believe Sun, Or Believe His PR Team?

in #steem5 years ago

I guess we'll find out, if something doesn't happen between now and March 6.

It's not like I don't see their point of view. Up until they did it, I was starting to lean towards something like that, but as a last resort, after much more than what apparently has already happened. Before coming to that conclusion, I was opposed to any hint or talk about doing it to Steemit Inc. when it first became an issue last year.

Somehow, someway, people have gotten it into their heads that Steemit's stake is illegitimate, that it should belong to the community, and as such, it's not really Steemit's to control.

Even though without Steemit, or those behind it, there wouldn't be a STEEM blockchain. It's kind of like being invited to live in someone's house and then essentially taking it over.

I keep hearing how everyone's free to use their stake as they will, but that doesn't seem to go for Steemit.

It actually doesn't really go for any of us, if we manage to get in the crosshairs of those who strongly disagree with what we're doing and have enough stake to do something about it.

Might continues to make right here, and right now, the witnesses and I imagine the upper SP are flexing their collective muscles.

How Sun is ultimately going to take this, I don't know. He's good at talking out of both sides of his mouth, depending on the audience and the circumstances. If he really wants to destroy the STEEM blockchain by trying to somehow bring it all to TRON, this isn't going to stop him.

Supposedly he's got a billion dollars worth of TRON sitting out on an exchange somewhere, in addition to what the TRON foundation has on chain. If that's even remotely true, he's got a big enough war chest to crush any attempts anyone here might try, including this warning shot across the bow.

So, I'm hoping that someone is watching the different portals and trying to see which new accounts powering up are potentially connected to Sun, because otherwise, this move is all for naught.

I don't know. It feels a lot like poking a sleeping bear. But if your trapped inside the cave with it and it's lying at the entrance, that might be your only way to get out, by getting it to move and hoping it's still asleep enough to avoid getting mauled.


Okay, this is a much clearer picture of the situation, thanks sir Glen! I just hope tempers don't get riled and everyone gets along and the two development teams like each other and can agree on goals that will benefit each side or both sides or both blockchains.

I'd like to think that there will be some calm worthwhile discussion come out of this, but I'm not holding my breath. I think it depends on who leads the discussion, or who represents the interests of the witnesses (which supposedly are the interests of the blockchain and all the stakeholders, you and me). So far, I'm not feeling very represented in any of this.

I nominate sir Glen to speak for the stakeholders!

I'm afraid I'm the last one you all need to do that! I know I personally don't need it. :)

The reluctant leaders are always the best ones! lol.

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