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RE: So...This Just Happened

in #steem6 years ago

I'm confused about the time of the fork @glenalbrethsen. It seems to vary depending on whose post you read.

I though it was in the early hours of Wednesday morning my time but no-one seems to be saying that.

Is it 11 o'clock in the morning (Tuesday) "New York" time?

New York is normally 5 hours behind us so that would make it 4 o'clock in the afternoon for me. 😊


That's right. 11 am EDT. Makes it 8 am where I'm at, so if something goes haywire like last time, I get to be down most of the day again. :)

I haven't seen different times myself. The steemitblog has the official time on it's posts, anyway, so they'd be the ones to fall back on. As it is, I'm not sure if everything is instantaneous or it might take some time to notice the effects. I guess we'll find out. So many of us have never experienced a hard fork, and this one is one of the larger ones with some significant changes that it's not exactly prudent to expect all will be perfect when it does switch over. I just hope those with lower SP don't suddenly find themselves unable to proceed as they're used to doing, because the new resource credit instead of bandwidth system wasn't quite right. My guess is with most of the rest, barring another bug, we won't know whether they're functioning immediately or not.

new resource credit instead of bandwidth system

I didn't really understand that @glenalbrethsen and was just trusting it would all work out OK. 😁

I'm not sure what the situation is with the dust threshold either. Is it being removed altogether do you know?

Well, there's two dust thresholds that I know of. One is for payout, where we want the total amount of upvotes on a comment or post to exceed $0.03. Then there's the voting one, where it has to be a certain amount or it simply doesn't get counted by the blockchain. I believe that's the one that's effectively going away. It's been a while since I looked into all of this, but basically, they're saying vote away, just don't be surprised if nothing happens. :)

Well, I'm not sure what I understand about how resources credits versus bandwidth either. Bandwidth seems more straightforward. You need to have a certain amount of it in order to do anything. And since they've been allocating it, or divvying it up somehow, there had to be a certain amount of SP or working capital in the account in order for it not to run out so quickly.

Resource credits handles that differently. Again, I'd have to go back and look, but it's not the same and so my concern with any change over like that, where you're replacing entire systems with something else, that in real world situations, something won't be accounted for. We've already see that happen with other things. So, we'll see. I hope it's a knowable, quantifiable equation that can be calculated before you start it up, but again, I know just enough to make me question whether there will be a smooth transition to it once it takes effect.

the total amount of upvotes on a comment or post to exceed $0.03

That is the one I was concerned with @glenalbrethsen. As far as you know is that one going to remain the same?

As far as I know. That was the one timcliff was wondering about increasing earlier in the year in a post he wrote that educated all of us on its existence in the first place, then caused the minnow rebellion, so he decided to shelve the proposal.

There is the change in the upvote window so, if you're autovoting within 15 minutes of a post, you'll want to change that, plus, if you're voting between 15-30 minutes, you might want to adjust that, too. there's a science to this curation business that I don't quite understand yet, even with Asher's best efforts to educate us on it with his weekly league post, but timing is one of the factors.

I'm not getting any further with the curation either @glenalbrethsen. Asher gave me some tips but said it's not really possible until you get to 5K Steem Power.

You need to do high percentage votes I think and, if I do that, there isn't much left to upvote anything else.

Even switching to voting 0.03c every time I vote on a comment means I run out of voting power fast and I can't vote on all the comments I'd like to.

I got all excited this morning because Dust Sweeper appeared to have gone back to it's old ways of upvoting 10 times a day.

But apparently that is only temporary due to HF20. Daniel doesn't want to take the risk that Dusty's voting power will be stuck at 100% and so is allowing it to go down more than ususual.

It's a real eye opener into how much dust is lost through low upvotes on my comments.

Starting to feel fed up about it all again so I'd better move onto something else for a while.

When you said

if you're autovoting within 15 minutes of a post, you'll want to change that

did you meant self voting?

I will be changing my votes that are set up to go between 15-30 minutes but that will then put them into the <15 minutes.

Well, I can't be certain about anything, since I rely on what people say, but according to some commentary, and I though steemitblog itself, if you upvote within the first 15 minutes of a post, self or otherwise, it will go back to the reward pool, so neither the author or the curator will get it.

So, take that with a grain of salt. It would require asking someone, if that's possible, or retracing my steps through a trail that's probably at least two months old, maybe more.

I've never gotten into dustsweeper. I'm glad I didn't. Eventually, it seems something happens and it's no longer what it was, or it no longer does what it's supposed to do.

So, the hard fork came and went. Any thoughts? :)

So, the hard fork came and went. Any thoughts? :)

I think I'm pretty much going to get off Steemit completely for a while @glenalbrethsen. My RC won't be full for 3 days.

I'm going away to tomorrow anyway.

If the new RC seriously curtails my activity, which I have recently greatly reduce anyway, I may not come back. I don't want to have to take managing RC into the equation as well a everything else.

I think it ould have been handled better. It would have been nice to have been warned that our activity in the lead up would seriously effect wheat we could do in the early days, for example.

Also. communications as always is rubbish. We shouldn't be having to work out how RC works and how the voting thing works once it's happened.

The next couple of weeks will be critical for me here and it better work out OK as I've not bought that Steemfest ticket!

Have a good weekend and let's hope it all settles down soon.

Although various witnesses are all saying it has settled down. Same old story. They have no idea what it's like to be a low powered user of the blockchain.

What are your thoughts?

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