RE: Since when Is Gaming an Investment?
I believe the term "investment" related to games is very wrong.
Both SM and DW have winners and losers. And both have people who have put in more money than they got out (or that their portfolio is valued at).
At the same time, there are ways to continue to earn, while you keep playing.
ROI is a bad term for it. Earning rewards is better and it happens. On both games. Quicker or slower.
Much more important factors/indicators are how much you value your time and if you enjoy playing the game or not.
I would put funds (and have done so) because I understand the games and I like to play them. On DW I practically got my STEEM back. On SM I didn't sell anything and market prices lowered over time, so I wouldn't recover my "investment" if I were to sell. But I like playing the game and look forward to their new additions.
In the past I paid some money to play one of my favorite games. I didn't get anything in return other than access to the game. So stop treating games as "investments". STEEM games, compared to classic ones do offer the possibility to earn something for playing them. Classic games didn't and I believe still don't.
do you think the users of in-game currency (such a vbucks) see they purcahses as an investment...I know my 11 year old does but to him the investment is in his game play and improvement on that is the gain.
I don't think so. You described them well. They can be used for in-game upgrades of some sort. And gamers love to be better than their peers, to be in the top, to unlock stuff, to be 'where nobody has been before' if possible.
Posted using Partiko Android
so really it all boils down to the mentality STEEM brings, lol its all gold if its on steem :-)
Yeah, I'm afraid so...
Posted using Partiko Android