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RE: HF20 Update: Operations Stable

in #steem6 years ago

what do you mean, how many witnesses and that we should decentralize a bit?

@fyrst-witness is geolocated as close to the North Pole as possible, others have witnesses in USA, EU, Africa, Scandinavia, ASIA, Australia as close to the south pole as they can.... very long list.

RPC Full Nodes on the other hand, could be much more decentralized and plentiful. I feel it is in the RPC Full Node world the real bottleneck is at the moment.

Maybe we should do something about that problem, because that is how we make STEEM accessible around the world. The more RPC Fullnodes there are, the better network we will have.

Something we could pool together on.


If I understand it correctly Steem has 20 witnesses that control it.
the other hundred or more are pretty much superfluous as far as 'consensus' goes.
Suppose in stead of having a top twenty witnesses we had more?
that's what I meant by 'decentralizing'.

Why Not Bit Torrent Witnesses?

Why should there be a limit for Steem witnesses, why stop at only twenty? Instead, why not adopt Bit Torrent style relationships between blockchains and witnesses, servers, like Bitcoin, like Bit Torrent?

Paid To Witness?

Should a witness be paid, rewarded, for however much hard drive and RAM, GHZ, resources (RC), computing power, memory, and everything, they loan out to the blockchains?

It Already Works?

We can see that Bit Torrent, Bitcoin, and others, already have these kinds of things. We all should be rewarded for being complete or partial Witnesses, that is whenever we choose to be Witnesses at any level, be it each day, once a week, or whatever, as in whenever we want to turn our servers on or off?

Any Level

A witness should have control on how much they donate out, be it some HDD, some RAM, a lot of it, or even all of it, as they please, at any time, day or night, with a press of a button. How much we loan out or sell out to the blockchains, where the blockchain pays to play with our RAM, our HDD, our whatever, our things, should be up to us, we the people as servers, as potential witnesses.

Motivated to Witness? Yeah!

That encourages more people to be witnesses, to make it all more decentralized and less stoppable by government, big tech, Bill Gates, competitors, Apple, Facebook, Google, Twitter, DARPA, the NWO, China, Jihadism, corporatism, monopolies, technocracy, plutocracy, deep state, globalism, etc.

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