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RE: Review of "Steem 0.17 Change Proposal Introduction"

in #steem8 years ago

I read most of the original article before you commented @krnel. I intented to go back and finish it but started reading new items in my feed, thus I'm here now.

Allow Editing of any Past Post or Comment

I'm actually surprised to see this proposed for 2 reasons: 1) it impacts the immutability of the steem blockchain 2) it impacts the integrity of the author if s/he "changes statements in their original story". It reminds me of recanting their position. I like the idea of a finite period of allowing posts and comments to be editable and locked and committed to the blockchain thereafter.

If the idea is to implement a change tracking system so all versions of a post (or comment?) could be reconstructed or tracked as to when a post or comment is changed and the exact differences are, we're talking about a lot of coding and complexity which will impact reliability.

What's the point of having Steemit or busy built on a blockchain of posts and comments can be changed indefinitely? I'm actually surprised your comment started off with "OK", tho you went on to qualify that with a question of 30 or 60 days.

I do agree with your observation that many of the proposed changes are to remove limits. I understand that generally reduces the code complexity but at what cost? It seems like a dramatic over compensation.

Removing Proof of Work

Does this refer to the mining of steem, or some other "Proof of Work"? If the proposal is to eliminate mining wouldn't that be changing the rules to the game in a major way? Would this create a large backlash from those who mine steem?

Lack of Comment Votes
Funny, but it shows how much on autopilot I can be. I rarely vote on comments explicitly, unless I'm feeling lazy and do so to avoid commenting myself. It just wasn't something I paid much attention to, until now that is. I usually indicate my approval of comments by offering one of my own as a reply. Of course that doesn't provide a tangible reward like an upvote would.

That's all I have for now.

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