Sometimes an upvote is just the smart thing to do

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

It's ridiculous the amount of threads with good content that are getting completely ignored.

You wanted to know why so many users create an account and do not come back? Well there you have it.

What is wrong with you folks? what does it cost you to upvote and show some appreciation to newbies? why are you so greedy with your vote when really you shouldn't be? ( I ve done an experiment recently and was able to do more than 200 votes and still had 30% voting power left)

Upvotes are F@#!ing FREE, show some F@#!ing LOVE before this place becomes a F@~!ing ghost town.


  • I am talking about upvotes not $, so no I am not saying that the whales should upvote right left and center, but that people should just encourage others to keep posting .

For me as a beginner it's sometimes hard to understand why some posts get upvoted so heavily while other stuff is pretty much ignored. The inner workings of the voting system are not yet very clear to me. Hope to get a better grasp on it soon.

Bottom line is the distribution is not spread out wide enough yet for the "whales" or people with large voting power to see everything.. Then once a "whale" up votes a post all other follow them and up vote as well.

So it's basically a matter of perseverance and luck to be recognized in the first place?

Yeah I would say more perseverance over the long term.. But yeah initially some luck would do you good. I was lucky enough for bernie sanders to see one of my posts and earned a couple hundred $'s. . All my other posts earn around 10 - 20 cents because of my followers. So getting followers also helps.

becoming involved in the community is important too... commenting on posts etc. Your comment on this led me to your page and your excellent photos. I'm now following and have up voted a couple already.

I doubt many people upvote more than 50 times a day, which means that they are only using a small percentage of their daily voting power, there is no excuse to not diversify voting.

Except time.. I know I only have enough time to read 10 - 20 posts per day before I get fatigued. And I am sure the whales are fatigued as well. But yes I agree and I try to up vote everything that comes through my feed that I think is good content. - Like this article.

I don't have much time either,but when I come here to browse occasionnally I always go to the introduceyourself section first and upvote every posts where I see there was some effort put in. I don't waste my time in the trending part because I want to make a difference, increasing a post from 231 to 232 upvotes doesn't make any.

Let me be the first to pop you an up vote :)

@pierce-the-veil: Understand your pain @freeyourmind. A number of users have brought up similar concerns including myself.

We are doing something about it every week:

Upvote for you, to cover the emotional distress.
Consider joining our efforts to fix this problem.

When quality authors start getting the recognition they deserve on here I'll be like:
commercial photography locations

Well said! I mean upvotes are nice and all but people should still enjoy posting content so at least their voice is heard. Even if it is to only one person. Just my opinion.

People have facebook,reddit,twitter,etc.. to post content, the censorship resistant thingy is not going to cut it.
I would hardly care about this if steemit was already the next facebook, but the reality is that it's not and we all need to play our part to make it so. Upvoting only followers and friends so early on is risky for the future of this platform.

Upvoting only followers and friends so early on is risky for the future of this platform.

indeed. It's called circle jerk. And will fail us all if will continue this game.

Upvotes are a popularity contest. You either are already famous so whale adds you to whale bot vote list or become famous enough. Other than that whale votes are luck.

Upvotes are a popularity contest.

This is my opinion also.

Totally agree!!! Also I have a lot of problems in starting an Italian community on steemit

The problem is in the Steem Conveyor Belt System itself. There's too little time for posts to be seen.
Here is my idea for the solution to the problem. Maybe it breaks some laws and rules but I'm sure it's a good point to start.

Upvotes are like FREE HUGS. Don't search for a masterpiece. Quite the contrary, it is better to find hidden talents and to upvote them at least for motivation. It is more fun and satisfying :)

Thanks for this! upvoted

I have posted a similar post trying to getl members to check out the new page and upvote those writers but seems members prefer to check out the trending page where they have more than enough

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