O Islam is united

in #steem6 years ago

If the location of the difference you seek, it will cause division and hostility
But if the location of the equation that you seek it will bring love, friendship, and unity
The Islamic world there is no difference between one country and another,
Because the same scripture, the same orientation, the same god That is Allah, and the same prayer and prostration, is "ignorance" when we look for differences in Islam.
So Islam Bersatuulah, they are only afraid of "Unity of our Ummah".
Do not be easy on the sheep race, between Muslim countries, it is the ultimate weapon "them", so that Muslims "not united" for Muslims to split.
Why are we silent when our brother, in slaughter, our brother is chased and killed, in sisksa, then killed, not hundreds but "thousands". our brothers in Rohingya, Syria, Palestine, and other Muslim countries.
We lose our fangs, our dignity in shreds, the dignity of ours is trivialized because we are not united, so "unite the Muslims", manifest our power through unity, "united we firmly, divorce we collapse", Allohu Akbar, Allohu Akbar, Allah is the Greatest".

Bila letak perbedaan yang kau cari , maka akan menimbulkan perpecahan dan permusuhan
Namun bila letak persamaan yang kau cari maka akan mendatangkan kasih sayang , persahabatan , dan persatuan
Dunia Islam tidak ada perbedaan antara Negara yang satu dengan Negara Islam yang lainnya,
Karena berkitab yang sama, kiblat yang sama, bertuhan yang sama Yaitu Alloh, dan sholat dan bersujud yang sama, adalah "kebodohan" manakala kita mencari perbedaan dalam Islam.
Maka Islam Bersatulah, mereka hanya takut dengan " Persatuan kita Umat Islam ".
Jangan mudah di adu domba,antara negara muslim, itu merupakan senjata pamungkas "mereka" ,agar muslim "tidak bersatu" agar muslim terpecah.
Mengapa kita diam saat saudara kita, di bantai, saudara kita di kejar dan di bunuh, di sisksa, lalu di bunuh, bukan ratusan tapi "ribuan". saudara kita yang di Rohingya, Siria, Palestina, dan Negara muslim yang lain.
Kita kehilangan taring, wibawa kita di cabik-cabik, harkat martabat kita di remehkan karena kita tidak bersatu, maka "bersatulah Umat Islam", wujudkan kekuatan kita lewat persatuan, "bersatu kita teguh , bercerai kita runtuh", Allohu Akbar, Allohu Akbar, Allohu Akbar".


thank you restimed

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