The State Of Steem: 18 Jan. 2018

in #steem7 years ago

Steem and SteemDollars are at approximate parity.
during the recent
race to the bottom
they became approximately equal
and have continued to be so since then.
I dunno what it means.
I report, you decide.

from Bittrex
A chart of the last few days displaying said race.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
That was a marvelous buying opportunity.

from CoinMarketCap
It appears that the panic has ended.
The market has become accustom to what ever it was that spooked it.
Losses are being recovered quite nicely.

I suspect what happened is that the easily frightened sold,
while the more strong willed bought what the weak ones sold for cheap.

This is a shining example of how the 1% got that way.

don't be stuck on stupid.


I think it’s gonna begin to recover just like the rest of the market

approximate parity on both. Is this a positive or negative on us? sir @everittdmickey. Just asking since I am still learning all these things.

No clue. Steem Dollar is SUPPOSED to be pegged to $1.00 USD. Some time ago it broke loose and at one time it was valued over $13.00 while Steem was worth only about $2.00. At one time you could trade 1SBD and get 6Steem (I did that a lot)..which was quite the bonus if you had set your payout at 50/50.

Now they are the same...BUT...SBD doesn't seem to be dropping back to $1.00 where it's 'supposed' to be.
I don't have any idea if this is good or bad.

this parity thing.....

......from an outsiders perspective..

Earn money writing content, and then have the option of investing (steem), or withdrawing (sbd).

If both are of the same value, it becomes a much simpler decision, and moves away from 'playing markets, share prices ' etc.

In effect, invest in the belief the value of steemit for the future, or cash out your rewards.
The value being the same makes sense ....kinda....i a way.....

they are NOT the same value...and they are NOT denominated in $$USD...
that's what makes it confusing.

beyond that...I dunno.

I don't really understand it.

I don't really understand it.

Story of my life, matey !

not a problem..I don't understand quantum mechanics but I've stayed over night in a holiday inn.
I also have a smartphone...which is dependent for it's operation on quantum mechanics..
Don't have to understand the fundamental principles to use it.

go here...not only is it a cool tool but it has links to explanations of a buncha stuff.

I depended on gravity, while playing squash, for example!😂😂

momma always told me not to play with my food.
and the only way I like squash is fried.

wise woman......


what woman?
and that looks like a punkin in a raquetball court.

nothing to do with squash, mothers or gravity....

Do i need to get to 500 sp - and then I can allocate percentage value of voting power?- is that correct?

(oh the power!)

I don't fully understand the question..but I don't think so.
what do you mean by 'allocate'?
you sure you don't like fried squash?
real good with cornbread and gravy.

It is almost as if the huge dip never even happened! I wonder if the alts will continue to outperform!!

some will, some won't...

Good tip. Race to the bottom lol. nice allusion. I teach. Believe me. It was a race to the bottom. You right on there. Blessings.

There is a saying that goes like this, "lets shake the tree and see what comes loose", it is raining bitcoins now. congratulations to everyone that could hold onto their bitcoins as not everyone has the strength for doing that

This is a shining example of how the 1% got that way.

Those words, you can plate in gold. You're right.

Thanks so much for this intellectual information.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63313.88
ETH 2629.50
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76